MSFS 2024 flies for about 30 minutes and then screen goes to black


I load a flight, start flying and about 30 minutes later all my monitors go to black and the computer stays that way until reset. No noise or anything just black screen. I have to manually reset as I cannot get anything to run (taskman) MSFS 2020 works fine. No addons or anything like that. It also corrupts my Windows 11 as I have to get out the Windows 11 boot disk and fsboot fix to make Windows 11 eventually work again.

Nvidia 3090 with newest drivers
No overclocking

Please look into it for the next patch (will be flying 2020 until the next patch)

See video here:

I’ve been flying in MSFS 2024 all day; not a single CTD. You definitely have an issue locally. Have you tried uninstalling MSFS 2024 completely, reinstalling?

Same problem here. Random CTD, blue screen and black screen. You never know when…

Same problem… there is another post on this as well… Screens just go black and you can still hear the game. Hard reset of the PC is the only way to get out of it and windows does not like that…

I have the same issue. For me it’s that the screen goes black. The simulator is still going. I alt-enter the screen and it comes back and doesn’t occur again.
Has anyone opened a bug report?

I wish I could alt-enter to recover. My screens stay black, still hear the audio in the background. No set of key commands brings the video back. I have to hard reset the PC. getting so old

Its been a minute - have the same problem - anyone get this fixed? I’m on Win11, MSFS 2024…