Your friend has the same issue as me and I have gone through the same steps and nothing is working. Reason I asked about that settings cuz sometimes I can’t uncheck it. Just now had to restart the game twice before it let me uncheck it.
This issue is so frustrating cuz I do group flights with friends and I can’t, very disappointing. Hopefully they can resolve this come next patch
Since day one I’ve had the same problem, only one or two planes in the air, even over nyc and lax. I contacted support and they had me try numerous settings. Nothing we tried worked. They gave up.
I see many boat labels and cars but almost no air traffic anywhere. MSFS2020 always had many players in the air and on the ground. My friends can’t see me, and I can’t see them.
What has changed, I tried loading MSFS2020 on my old and new pc again, and now it has the same empty sky problem too.
Could something like my Microsoft Store account corrupted both of these programs?
I keep seeing Error accessing live traffic data, retrying
I hope someone can figure out what’s going on.
I had similar impressions at first, but I think there is a visual disappointment here that is due to the fact that the huge signs from 2020 have been removed. Back then, multiplayer traffic was shown hundreds of kilometers away and that of course creates a completely different picture than if you drastically reduce the display radius.
Added to this is the confusing assignment of the respective online options of the UI … in many places illogical and confusing
Under “Weather and time” I have it set to present. Under “air traffic” I have it set to “live” and under “multiplayer,” I don’t have the option to click “live” or “all players.” I only have the “off” option. However, I see other aircraft on the game.
I configured everything in my settings, but I still don’t have the option for “all players” under multiplayer. Why is that?
Deleted the UserCfg.opt file and let the sim regenerate a new one
Changed multiplayer servers
Delete and re-create a new rolling cache
Tried both Live Players and All Players in the flight conditions menu
Created a group flight via friends list
Completely re-install the sim (we’ve done so 3 times now)
Ran the sim with no addons
Installed the sim on a different drive
Tried using a completely different internet connection
Installed the sim on a PC that has never had the sim on it before
+1 also tried all this…
people need to stops replying to this forum with ’ make sure all players is set… use preset weather…’ doesnt work and needs to stop being repeated… this is a much bigger issue than our settings
A friend and I are experiencing the same issues as described in this thread. Cannot get any consistent multiplayer sessions. Sometimes he can see me but most often he cant, sometimes I can see him sometimes not. Tried all settings etc multiple times but cannot get to the bottom of it.
I think there is a 5 - 10NM viewable bubble. Outside of this you can not see others. But there is discrepancy also in the MDF traffic and EFB traffic and what you can see outside.
With the release of the SU1 Beta, was curious to see if the issue brought up in my original post had been fixed. Unfortunately, it appears it has NOT.
The person described in my post still cannot see other multiplayer aircraft.
They can see my avatar standing outside my plane as well as AI planes at gates and in the air. However, they still cannot see my actual plane.
Air Traffic setting is set to Ultra. We tried turning it to Off and then back to no avail.
If anyone else in this thread who has had the same problem want to test the Beta and provide any update, feel free!!! It’s unfortunate that in the last 2 months we’ve been unable to fly together because of this issue. Potentially longer given that SU2 is not even on the horizon yet.
I have this same issue and tried the beta to test it without improvement. I can hear other planes and sometimes see other planes floating in the air not moving. I have tested this on multiple platforms and it appears to me that it has something to do with my profile because logging in with another profile with all the same settings on the same machine does not have any issues.
I’ve noticed that even on the world map, the AI aircraft are showing as being below or above the terrain. I’m suspecting they’re all at the wrong altitude which means they’ll either float or be underground? Not positive, but something’s definitely wrong.
Also never seen another player since release. My dad can see me but I can’t see him, or anyone else. Tried all the usual suspects:
All players.
Weather to preset (otherwise players always switches to live).
Multiplayer on.
Name tags on.
AI traffic on/off.
Checked Xbox profile to see if there’s any random ‘show offline’ mode.
Reinstalled 2024 from scratch.
Gave up.
So, an update. My friend at the point of the second beta release a few days ago still had this issue. However, something had to have happened within the last 24 hours because now he has a functional multiplayer again! Nothing has been touched on their end. So maybe something has changed on the backend?
Xbox X beta.
Still the same. Even in exposed locations (New York) I only see sporadic players. But I only have a download of 25 Mbit.
For example ships I see labels, but ships take a long time to load.