MSFS 2024 terrain LOD linked to Photogrammetry quality

Good thought but in all due respect and fairness it`s not for us the users to find solutions, although personally I would not mind giving some feedback now and again. This needs research and fixing at source by the devs, we should have a nice time enjoying the sim …most times. :slight_smile:

You can see on any approach with the currently throttled/reduced textures the runway is considered scenery and not an asset and is blurred at distances that would be considered important for piloting, even at 300/200 4K. Where 2020 you can see it clearly at 7+ miles out at higher settings.


I do appreciate that different things matter more or less to different customers. So everyone priority is not the same. For me however if I fly in VR as I most of the times do and look down at the ground see a blur and stutter plus low frames does make me think why I even bother and not do something else with my time. Then I am looking around at the gear I have, including a high end PC and I fell I should make the use of it more so back in a circle to fiddle with the settings. :slightly_smiling_face:

I listened to this a second time and it is really a lame explanation. I did this kind of programming and you should be able to allocate the appropriate amount of memory not just “run out”. This did not happen in 2020. There are a lot of clever ways to swap buffers… anyway I think we are up the creek.

Their answer, turn the setting down. Great. The resolution was better in 2020.

I decided right off the bat to use 128GB of cache and that does not help.

I posted a couple pictures here and it is night and day:

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I have Navigraph ‘moving map’ on a pseudo tablet. A knee board, as it rests on where my quads would be.

It shows roads, railways and towns on the Aeronautical chart.
I can readily identify roads, railwaya, towns and Visual References on the MSFS2020 ‘Bing map’ scenery.

All the landscape between these features could be various shades of green and brown. As a pilot, I’m not concerned with farmer’s fields.

In VFR at a strange airfield, it is best to do a full circle outside their restricted zone, then contact the tower for a landing. Have a good look at the airstrip.
Use the ‘Binoculars’ function.

In IFR, do ILS if the airfield has it.

I don’t do IFR. Most of the fields I fly to haven’t got ILS.

Fact is that is a lot worse than in MSFS 2020 and what is concerning is that I have not heard or seen any working resolution so far. It also concerns me the fact that the devs are not making any significant move to address the issue. I sincerely do hope they are reading the forums.

Clarity of scenery.

In VR, my prescription specs don’t get the vision in perfect focus.

No optimeterist in my neighbourhood have been able to help me metering my eyes at home with the VR kit.

So, the end of it is everything is slightly blurred. Readable, but not sharp.

I could do a repetative series of estimating and ordering ‘cheapo’ specs until I get the lenses right. £30 per pair.

@ClevererExpert0 Check out the ‘vergence-accommodation conflict’. Tl;dr: in VR, the ‘screen’ is less than an inch off your face, so unless you’re farsighted, prescription lenses aren’t going to help blurriness much, if at all. You’re eyes aren’t actually focusing on something at varying distances, they’re focusing on a screen an inch in front of your eye, regardless of the perception of depth.

I’m nearsighted, but when I first used VR I noticed a lot of it was blurry… more so in the distance. So, my first thought was ‘get prescription VR lenses’… until I realized that’s not actually the issue. It’s an issue somewhere in the interplay of the engine’s LOD, view distance, anti-aliasing (especially at far distances where complex objects may only cover dozens of pixels), the rendering engine itself, the VR encoding and decoding, IPD tuning on the headset, distortions from the lens itself (fresnal, pancake)… it’s just so many layers that could all lead to blurriness that have nothing to do with your actual eyesight.

Photogrammetry is not going to be better than what you see in Bing maps “fly” mode.