MSFS Launches MS Store for Gaming Services

I did an online search for “CODE: 0x80073D26” and found this web page:

I wonder if some of the various solutions there may help in your case?

thanks alot! ive found one on there that solved my issue.

Open Registry Editor

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services

Remove the GamingServices and GamingServices.Net

Restart Computer

Go to your Windows Store → 3-dot-menu → Downloads and Updates → Check updates

Gaming Services should install now without issue.

Double check by rebooting and going back to Windows Store and trying to Get Updates again - you should be Up to date.


Another case of MS not allowing for this particular scenario. I have a common one, where every time a OneNote update is pushed I cannot install it unless I start the Print Spooler service. Once installed I can stop it again. Why its required for the install I don’t know, but it is.

Just a qick question. Has anyone tried logging out then logging back in to Xbox Gaming Service (et al) and MSFS to clear the loop?

Yep, looks like this problem is back again. My windows is up to date, but as of this morning Gaming Services is refusing to update/install with an error code of 0x80073D26. FS2020 refuses to start and other Microsoft games refuse to connect to the network.

I swear, I have more problems running Microsoft software on Windows than any other company’s…

If you don’t have pending Windows Operating System updates, check for Windows Store Updates.

Tried each of those, nothing helped. Of note, Gaming Services also doesn’t show up as an installed app, so no way to repair or remove it. Trying to install it again from the “My Library” section of the Windows store did lead it to download more than it normally did from the “Downloads and Updates page”, but it ultimately failed again with the same error code.


I have the same Problem
Gaming Services want an update, i download 348 kb then it install and an error following

got it fixed
with the regedit

What registry edits did you end up making? I’m still stuck at the moment.

This ended up being the only thing that worked for me:

Open Registry Editor

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services

Remove the GamingServices and GamingServices.Net

Restart Computer

Go to your Windows Store → 3-dot-menu → Downloads and Updates → Check updates

Gaming Services should install now without issue.

Double check by rebooting and going back to Windows Store and trying to Get Updates again - you should be Up to date.

From here: Redirecting

I hope that helps someone else, that was a long day finally finding the actual solution.

This is what I ended up needing to do to fix that issue as well, and it doesn’t really pop up in any of the typical google results for troubleshooting.

not working for me. That’s really frustrating…


NO, no workarround, i am very truly sorry. I had exactly the same problem…and like you guyes, for 3 days I was hoping for a fix or workarround. But forget about it…move your communnity folder to your desktop or another location ( i created an add-on MSFS folder, and moved all the files from comunnity into that one). Uninstall and reinstall the game. And the copy/move all the files back into your comunnity folder. It went surprinsgly fast actually…way faster than the multiple times i had to reinstall the game in the first few months.

Regedit is very powerful and can be damaging to your Windows 10 and should only be used if you are certain you have the tech knowledge to modify it.

I would suggest to:

Note: Backup or save your Community Folder and Mods first & anything else required.

Right click “Start”
Click "Settings, Apps.
Scroll down to MS Flight Simulator
Click “Uninstall”

The go to MS Store/Steam and install FS2020 again.

The initial 1.06 GB will be downloaded and installed. C:\ drive (or boot drive)
It will ask you where you want FS2020 installed.

If it can see it, it will nor download the additional 170 GB.

If it can’t see it, you have to download it again anyway.

Solution is to run the windows media creation tool and reinstall base windows 10 apps

(keep your installed apps and data)

Worked for me perfectly :+1:


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Can’t thank you enough! That has helped me and it works now! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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This fixed it for me:

Remove Gaming Service via PowerShell command: get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
Reboot computer (it’s very important, because without this next step will not work)
After reboot install Gaming Service
Check Windows System Logs for error about Gaming Service and also check Services (you must have two Gaming Service in Running State)

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Did the registry tip. Even it looks like the gaming service is still installing, MSFS is at least starting again.

Also, you can just rename the Community Folder to Community1 and rename it back after you reinstall.