Trying to launch MSFS is rapidly becoming a hit and miss affair.
Trawl through the many flightsim forums and it soon becomes apparent there are countless folk pulling their hair out over this.
Many of the issues seem to be related to the increasing number of fixes that MSFS is releasing.
So could we please have a fix to sort out why so many of us are going round in circles attempting to launch the sim.
So far there’s been a deafening silence from MSFS whose customer relations are woefully lacking.
We are not all computer geeks who have the time and knowledge to get to grips with this issue.
Come on MSFS, pull your finger out and sort this out now!
Have you checked into the event viewer tools in Windows to see what’s actually causing the CTD’s? If you can get error codes, get them to Zendesk so they can work with the data to figure out what’s happening. Personally, I’ve never had a single issue getting the sim to start. It’s currently running as I type this while I download the updates to the Orbx London Landmarks and Aerosoft Paderborn packages.
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