Off course, how many are in the race…
Ok, I must admit that the Level-D simulator that I see at work doesn’t have cloud streaming or good graphics (not that I see them that much since they put us in Low-visibility operations all the time and always in cloud and at night). But to say that FS2020 puts a multi-million dollar commercial flight sim to shame is a gross inaccuracy.
While my little $1000 desktop sim with FS2020 seems to depict the Himalayan mountains quite nice, it also attempts to CFIT me into them unless I intervene because the fidelity of navigation is questionable. That multi-million dollar level-d simulator, on the other hand, can fly the profiles accurately with the RNP tolerances close to the real thing. It can also simulate quite well what a V1-Cut should feel like, the bumps on the ground, the performances to the books, and hell–it even generates smoke in the cockpit if we are trying to simulate a fire! It even has working oxygen masks, crazy huh? Thankfully, multi-million dollar flight sims are not just about graphics!
I’m simply talking about graphics fidelity and recreation of the world, not flight modeling and recreation of aircraft subsystems and other stuff. Yeah, it doesn’t touch a Level D in those other aspects. I’m going to make an edit to my original post to reflect that, as it isn’t totally clear.
And yes, the purpose of a Level D and MSFS is totally different. The hardcore nerds and aviation buffs can argue all they want about this being a game or a sim. It’s a game like all other consumer grade sims. You choose how you want to use it. In the end, we’re all grown-ups playing pretend pilot. lol It’s a different class altogether from full on sims used for pilot training.
I have FSX and X-Plane 11 and FS2020 !I prefer to day FS 2020!For game many people fly and speak
I know for a fact that what you are saying here is untrue, because before I made my previous post, I was about to type a reply to a completely constructive and soberly written post complaining about the downgrade, and then poof, it was gone. And more or less the same thing happened yesterday.
ROFL…sounds like this stuff is making games to be the level of a Hollywood blockbuster production.
Best eSports “Athlete”? Best eSports “Coach”? Can’t be serious. I mean since when does twiddling your thumbs make you have athletic prowess? Yeah, okay, it’s competitive in nature but so is chess and I don’t consider them to be athletes either.
Just scrolling through the award titles is quite humorous. How is a sim competitive against a fantasy strategy game but yet they have a Best Fighting and Best Action (which “focuses primarily on combat”) split into wo seperate categories? So fighting and combat are two different things but fantasy strategy games and a flight sim are significantly the same? Okay. Whatever. Winning this and having a $20 bill will get you a cup of coffee at a Starbucks.
Don’t get me wrong, I am thoroughly enjoying this current iteration of FS and hope within a year most, if not all, major bugs are addressed. But to nominate a half-baked/not finished/still in development game for Best Sim/Strategy is exactly what’s wrong with the industry this present day.
I remember a day where journalist would pan a game release with this many bugs.
I also remember a day when journalists praised terrible games, with tons of bugs. I believe that was yesterday, and IGN.
IGN was always at the forefront of that kind of journalism as far back as I can remember.
It’s a little unlikely that MSFS will win here, perhaps because it is the only sim in a category with 4 strategy games.
Perhaps they could move it to “Best narrative”? I find ATC captivating. The ups, the downs, the mis-directions, unexpected diversions, it keeps you guessing till the very end.
You’ve not answered the question. Let me answer it for you. Forum moderation does not have anything to do with the Games Awards. It is also against the Code of Conduct to discuss it - utilize Zendesk for that. Thanks.
I love the part where I’m cleared to land in one breath, waved off in the next, then cleared to land again the moment I change heading.
is it even matter? only dogs and stupid kids can glad of awards, i love this game, and i don’t need any awards as cover my love, and i want best future for p3d, as i think is the best simulator for now, just too ugly as all other relatively msfs, that’s it, for me best award for this game is my stop to fly p3d especially a2a fighters and vrs super hornet with hifi weather and rex force3d clouds, just because unprecedent world simulation in the game stops for me all other simulators, and bonus is my aesthetic kretinism, that the proof for me msfs is 100% piece of digital art, if even me with my lack of artistic taste, can’t fly simulators after more than 20years i did, and i prefer this game
Game industry awards are meaningless and over politicised. ASOBO have already won an award, they were entrusted to further develop one of the most iconic games in PC gaming history. The only other award that matters is the one that many of their million plus players have nominated them for, but can only be awarded when a benchmark for quality and feature completeness has been reached.
So, cummon ASOBO, there’s a big shiny flight sim fandom trophy waiting for you - come and get it!
That said, when you look to long term support of a project, and are looking for continued funding from MS, a shelf full of awards are a great pursuader.
I’d like to think it would do all those things becuase it probably costs a little bit more than £60. £ for £, MSFS will put it to shame.
Sorry, but it has nothing on Charlie/Charli or Chuckie the AI co-pilot. You could make a movie out of a trip with C/C or C and not know if you were in a romantic comedy, slapstick farce, slasher horror or Schwarzenegger action film.
Thinking about awards without the contributions legions of people in this community that have made the aircraft and effects through the many MODS that are available to the playing community, consider where this would be with the efforts of teams like FBW.
Signed up and voted for MSFS20.
Thx for the link!
Only in 2020 can a Sim/Strategy have continual bugs and development issues and be nominated for Best Sim/Strategy.
I’ll guess it will win because of the graphics.
The irony fort his in 2020 is funny!