Hi, I am trying to use an OUYA (generic) game controller to control the drone camera. I cant seem to get MSFS to pick up the controller to start with. I need to find out how to get the sim to recognise it, then I can map it myself, if this is possible? Can anyone help please?
Hi @SiennaKarma730,
Is Windows 10 seeing the the OUYA? If so, is it generic and do any other games work with it?
Yes, indows recognises it, it’s connected, I’ve used it on other games
Thanks for replying
Is Windows showing as “generic”? If so, I think this is the reason my MSFS isn’t picking it up. A while back I bought something similar off of Amazon and I could not get MSFS to see it. It was showing as generic game controller in devices (Windows).
Ok. Windows recognises it as OUYA, but I cant get MSFS to find it?
Does it connect via USB?
Yes USB, works with other Microsoft games
Wish MSFS had an add a controller feature
As opposed to an auto detect
I hear you.
I’m not sure how MSFS is setup for these generic controllers. I ended up getting an Xbox controller. I needed something for when I was away from my main PC and use my laptop without hauling around a yoke and rudder peddles.
Okay, did MSFS pick our xbox controller automatically? and I assume that is bluetooth?
Sos, I’m really green around the edges at all this!
It did. And it has all the mappings for it for both camera/drone & flight controls. When I’m at my PC, I use it only for drone. With my laptop, it’s my primary controller.
Don’t get the xbox 360 controller. Make sure it’s xbox one or newer.
Can you run me through what you did before it recognised your controller? i/e, did you do anything else apart from, windows was in touch with it when you opened flight sim?
Mappings I can do in the sim
When I first connected the xbox controller, Windows 10 downloaded the drivers right away. I use the bluetooth - but it also has USB. Then when Win10 got the drivers installed, launched MSFS and it saw it without any further thing to do. Was simple.
Okay, thanks, thinking i should start again at windows level, maybe there’s some new drivers, I really appreciate all your support. Will be back if/ when I can/cant sort it. Thanks.
Oh, wait. Did You have it wired or bluetooth when you first connected toMFSF?
I have an old, USB, Thrustmaster “Top Gun” FF Joystick & Throttle.
Works fine in Windows 10. Recognized, and it can be viewed and calibrated.
Works fine in FSX,
But when I plug it in when MSFS is running, it detects it, reads its name, tell me there are no presets, and that it will use defaults … then, before I can start setting it up, MSFS will CTD.
(it also never gets a far as making its default configuration file)
If I have it plugged in when MSFS starts, during start-up, MSFS will always CTD.
So, now , its gathering dust …
did the “right thing” Submitted a ZenDesk report, complete with Crash log and analysis … and all I got back was the “suggestion” to read some generic articles on how to set up a Joystick.
JC !! would have no problem setting it up, if only MSFS did not CTD !!
BTW: That was my 1st, and last ZenDesk Bug report - don’t need to waste time like that again.