Msfs+rtx2070s heat problems

Hi. Im using rtx2070s and are getting good fps. So good I forgot to mesaure it. I never had a heat problem before until late 2021 with one of the big updates. I was usually below 60 degrees celsius or dipping late 50s to early 60s but after that big update late last year my heat went up to high 70 degree celsius and even to 80.
I dont find this to be much of a topic anywhere but found 1 post on steam forums saying he also got heated graphic card. Could there be anything I can do to make it cooler? It doesnt help changing much of my settings to medium, I still have high 70s just sitting in the menu of msfs. Im on dx11. I was happy with msfs before that update and thought the VR performance had improved too but now it is giving me too much heat to enjoy.

Help or an explanation to why this happened would be much appreciated.

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Hi there, What do you use PC , Laptop or Xbox? I have an laptop and it runs hot , but I use an Laptop Cooling pad, Which helps a lot…

I would hazard a guess at why and say the greater the scenery detail load, the more load on your GPU.
You should increase your fan speed to carry that heat away.
Here is a link that explains how to do that, if you aren’t familiar with the process.

Is it a Desktop or Laptop? Is it just the graphics card that gets hot or the CPU as well?

I would highly recommend you D/L MSI afterburner and have it running in the background whenever playing MSFS. I’ve found it really helps to keep my 3070 cool by automatically adjusting the fan speed on the GPU. Never goes over 60 C no matter what i throw at it. .Set fan control to Auto.

Here is the MSI Afterburner program…Afterburner


Yes - I have the 2080SU and use MSI afterburner to ramp up the fans RPM - you’ll want to watch at least one YouTube video on best method.
Also make sure you have a good Nvidia driver installed - one of those caused me some problems. I experienced heat spikes and had to revert to an earlier driver until subsequent releases cured that one.

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Maybe is time for a re-paste, That’s what I had to do for my 2080ti. After the re-paste I went from 80c to high 50c to low 60c and that was running VR.

Thanks for all the answers. I installed the msi afterburner and that was great. It made me aware that even I had locked my fps in msfs settings it didnt really lock them at all. I was about 120 fps and the card was really working. I locked my fps in nvidia control panel. I first tried lock it at 32 fps and the card just fell to sleep. I have put my settings earlier to medium and now the card doesnt go above 50 degrees celsius and its around 40%. I will go from here and increase fps and settings and find a good spot for the card. I would not find this out without that msi afterburner. Thanks.

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Hi again. Now Im having a heat problem when im starting in VR. The card runs at max. I tried to set the ASW in oculus tray tool to 30 hz and even 18 hz but the card runs the same. Is there any other way to bring the fps in vr down than forcing the asw?
I am using a desktop 2070super card. I tell you guys, the vr was great before that update last fall. I used to have card temps at 50s and low 60 degree celsius.