MSFS2020 launcher is the only in the world to use 90% CPU and 100% GPU while updating and while the main menu

It is legitimate to call it suspicious activity.


Possibly the worst launcher/updater I’ve seen for years. Not even sure I had such a bad experience before. It’s slow, unefficient, ressource consuming. So badly designed.


That would be less of an issue if the update didn’t take a long time to complete. As it is you can’t play another game in the meanwhile and have to update when the game decides. There’s room for improvement.

Try setting a frame rate limit in the control panel for you chosen card. My GPU no longer runs at 98% in the main menu either.


It works for me.


it shouldn’t consume GPU at all when updating, since there is no 3d rendering going on.


Yet it does, so we can either look for a work around, or scream in to the wind.

I prefer the former.

Limiting to 60fps will still use at least 50% of GPU. I’m not screaming in the wind, I’m posting a feedback on the official forum, so go troll somewhere else. thanks.


I hate to inform you that you are wrong. I have had the launcher for The Sims 3 peg my CPU and GPU at 80+ percent when it wasn’t even downloading or updating. But that can be excused because it’s not like we expect anything better from EA.


Sorry! I’m not trolling, just stating that old adage about accepting the things you cannot control.

This is the only sim/game, that I have, that has this issue. A fellow forum user came up with this workaround, I was sceptical but tried it anyway, and it works.

I’ve presented you with this same workaround, and you can either use it or not. Neither choice will affect the sim in any way, so my advice is to try the workaround. It does, and will, work.

Now does that mean we should consider the issue resolved? No, but we have a workaround, and further forum discussion is pointless, but definitely log a Zendesk ticket, just as I did, where I also mentioned this workaround.

I’m genuinely not trolling, just trying to point out that sometimes we can actually help each other with workarounds, which is often more effective then posting on threads on the forum complaining about something that is broken.


I think that whatever the updater is doing to my poor system during the hours of downloading and patching we will be doing has no excuse.

And if that’s how irresponsibly it uses my hardware during updates… imagine what’s going on when I’m flying and getting poor performance.

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Again I agree, but there is a workaround. You can choose to use it, or not. Neither will fix the sim, but it will stop your GPU from going berserk while it updates.

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I may as well since I’m getting like 20fps in the sim anyway…

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It’s also the only launcher in the world with mandatory background music and no activity indicator (like current download and / or decompression speed).


It does show the total to be downloaded on the right, the current amount downloaded on the bar itself, and the current file along with percentage done just above the bar.

But it does not show your download speed.

eeeooo I hate the music… and I hate that I cannot just turn it off. Even thogh the volume is set to zero - I know it’s playing in the background and eating up resources.


It does show overall progress. Yet I had to restart five or six times during the update, because it felt like the updater has stopped working. Sometimes during download, sometimes during decompression, despite SSD and fast internet. Of course it might have still been working slowly on a huge file. But without a real-time activity indicator there is no way to tell.

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The absolute nerve of you saying that to someone else who is trying to help. The guy was offering a suggestion and you threw it at him like HE was trolling. Lets be clear - you’re not posting feedback. Feedback would be considered constructive. You’ve made an un-validated statement (aka, an opinion) and then go on to call it suspicious. Well done. That feedback is so helpful. (slow clap). I’m afraid you’re the one coming across as the troll in this forum post.

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I agree - it’s frustrating. I turn it down in volume mixer when it’s updating, so at least I can do something else. I have reported it as a bug in the alpha and received confirmation this week it’s acknowledged as a bug, so hopefully won’t be long before it’s fixed.

The one component you didn’t include was the tens of thousands of MSFS users all attempting to download the patch at the same time. It had only just been released, so their servers were simply saturated with requests. It doesn’t matter how fast your connection or disk are in that situation. I just left it running, no restarts, exercising patience, and it completed without a single restart. But it did take over an hour, perhaps close to two.

Sitting there watching a progress bar, then forcing it to pause/close to restart it, probably doesn’t help much. I say go, and grab a cup of tea, and do something else for a bit, and let it get on with it. :slight_smile:

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Like DeafMetalMonkey is saying, rightclick on the speaker icon in the taskbar of Windows and select Open Volume mixer, here you can mute all the active windows individually.

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