MSFS2020 + vPilot issues

Hi guys,

after installing and running the vPilot (for VATSIM integration), I have time to time these issue:

  • sometime the camera freezes, I am unable to look around in the cockpit. But I can operate everything what I can see (it means, the MSFS did not freeze yet).

  • sometime the MSFS 2020 freezes completely, later the thread is killed by Windows OS

Not in VR mode.

Do you know what could cause this issues? … probably the vPilot (when vPilot is not running, I do not have any of these issues) - but why?

Many thanks

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The purpose of the #Bugs-and-Issues categories is to discuss issues that affect the base simulator (MSFS default content). Please do not discuss issues with third-party addons, or modifications in this category.

If you believe your issue may be caused by a third-party addon/mod, empty your community folder, restart the simulator and try to reproduce the error.

All issues caused by, or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. All issues related to the core simulator (MSFS default content) can be formally reported through Zendesk.

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