Only on the first attempt did everything go normally. The next 3 attempts were completely frustrating even though I followed exactly the same procedures.
About the second attempt: The plane did not follow the magenta constraints no matter if it was in managed or selected mode.
On the third attempt, the green line of the route was dashed during takeoff and I could not set the heading (HDG) or the altitude to managed mode, only the speed entered managed mode.
The buttons to change between managed and selected mode only work when they want, whether on the keyboard or on the Xbox controller (PC).
On the fourth attempt, I am stuck on the floor next to the plane and unable to move because none of the keys on the keyboard work.
edit: Fifth attempt: I almost succeeded, but upon arrival it stops respecting the magenta constraints and did not locate the ILS.
plus: Every time I finish a flight and try to return to the Menu or restart the flight, the game freezes.
Same. This plane is buggy as hell. Really annoyed. What are we paying for?
Edit: I’m going to leave this here as a testament to how easy it is to get caught up in some of the emotion about real or perceived failings in this game. This is me being idiotic, having not flown the Airbus for a few months and completely forgetting I had to turn on the flight directors, as pointed out by @Azlog below. What a prat I am.
I’m on Xbox and have flown this aircraft several times without issue (ignoring the stuttering) so I suspect there is something more going on here. A green dashed route means your flight directors are off (FD button beside LS button) or you are in heading select mode and not NAV
On attempt 6 everything seemed to be going well, it captured the ILS properly, but it arrived at too high a speed. This was probably my mistake.
On attempt 7 everything seemed to be going well, it captured the ILS, was on the descent ramp at an ok speed when the plane started to go around on its own.
On attempts 8 and 9 I had a CTD in the middle of the flight.
When I get the aircraft all set up to fly according to checklists and it is time to take off I am unable to ‘push’ the HDG knob to arm the nav for autopilot. CLB and NAV are supposed to stay on the PFD but they appear very briefly and then disappear.
yes. just seems like the plane doesnt want to let anything go into managed mode no matter if i have a flight plan loaded or not.
So frustrating to not know if I’m doing something wrong or if the plane isnt working correctly. Ive followed multiple separate checklists/ tutorial/startup videos without being able to get it actually working once.
I was thinking that. I took off and left it cruising. Meanwhile my youngest decided to go to dashboard and play something else. I returned and managed to quick resume it and carry on the flight as though I had never left. Was in the A20N which is running really well in the beta
The go around issue is a known issue on Xbox. It’s something to do with the AI Co-Pilot which won’t disengage. If you set your vApp speed to around 135 it seems to solve this as it doesn’t think your below capable speeds
On the MCDU on the approach page, change your Vapp to a number that is 6kts faster than what it suggests. I find that better reflects what the approach speed should be and prevents triggering the alpha floor which makes the engines go TOGA