If the aircraft werent encrypted we could probably edit the cfg file to enable trimming, at least for PC users. The force trim seems to be built into whatever default trimming is in the sim, and the Cowan helis have it too
I have hopes for a GTN 750. That one is available for installation IRL too. To my knowledge there is no 650 for MSFS but a free and good 750 does exist.
Yeah, I was just thinking about the 650 which is currently in the H125, it’s very basic. Hopefully WT can develop it so we have something decent rather than relying on third party mods.
The mirror doesn’t work and to be honest if it did it would probably kill the fps. Since it’s not functional I would prefer to only have the bottom one which is realistic for most sling h125.
In VR I use the floor window and the picture looks super realistic compared to the real video, it’s just very difficult to control the helicopter while looking down.
Also the craft clearly has the controls on the stick so it would be less of a stretch than the R66 having trim, which it does in the sim. Surely this is just an oversight. If we knew the variable to enable it someone could probably whip up a mod.
Merci pour ce retour factuel d’un véritable pilote. Très intéressant !
Après des heures à ne plus les compter sur l’H125 de Cowansim dans MSFS20, je suis déçu par la version d’Asobo. Quel dommage qu’ils n’aient pas travaillé ensemble pour MSFS24 ! Sûrement une histoire financière…
La dynamique de vol dans la version Cowansim semble bien plus réaliste selon les retours de votre ami.
C’est vraiment ridicule de descendre comme un planeur lorsqu’on coupe le cyclique sur la version Asobo !
À quand le portage du H125 de Cowansim dans MSFS24 !? Tous les achats sur MSFS20 étaient censés être transférés mais je l’attends toujours… Y’a-t-il un blocage de la part de Microsoft ?
Avez-vous pu faire tester le H125 Cowansim dans MSFS20 à votre ami ?
Au global je suis partagé par mon retour d’expérience sur MSFS24 vs MSFS20. Tant de potentiel gâché. Il y’a beaucoup de choses qui tournent mieux et sont plus belles dans MSFS20 mais le mode carrière et les missions dans MSFS24 sont un must !
Pourvu qu’ils améliorent cette belle base
At the very least, give us the option. Since we can set profiles (I would just suggest using SPAD, much easier, anyway), if I’m using a spring cyclic, trimming is needed (most people will have a spring cyclic). If I don’t have it, I can make a profile that doesn’t have any trim values for realism. Sort of like a user-defined ‘assist’ for the sake of hardware limitations. All for a trim option!
Pretty sure this issue have nothing to do with “yeah we like to have it realistic, therefore no trim”. (imho just a fanboi argument who can not deal with the critics that MSFS24 get)
I mean this makes absolutly no sense with all the other asistance systems which are “working”.
Imho its just another oversight in a rushed game / sim. Pretty sure it get patched.