[MSFS2024] Airbus Helicopter H225

With the H145 and H160 in FS2020 you could get away with a short pause in the sim to take a few screen shots and the chopper would be ok. Long pauses would usually result in a total loss of control though, from my experience anyway.

FS2024 seems to be a lot worse though, for whatever reason. The Hype choppers do have a lot very bespoke code going on I think.

I tested the advices I got and I can now gain back control by completely taking away the throttle very briefly with a Keyboard Shortcut and then using the collective immediately. Thanks a lot folks.

Jittering happens to me on all helis in 2024 after return from pause in release version of FS.
After update it does happe but rarely.

And H145 in 2020, it was happening during flight, especialy if I use Z axis to rotare with tail rotor of I pull quickly stick backwards.

There is a H225 pilot on HPGā€™s discord. I asked and he said that the manual states that the AP should always be on, and by default is in attitude mode. If the AP fails or is shutoff, then SAS would be active.

He said he would post the POH. I havenā€™t been able to find one online.

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While i am happy to be proven wrong saying the AP should always be on i find very difficult to believe, maybe in flight it should always be on but never on the ground and in the pick up or set down portions.

I thought it odd too, since that is not how any other AP or SAS type systems work, but it was confirmed that itā€™s always on unless failed or both redundant systems are intentionally turned off. The H145 and Helionix systems are similar.

He also confirmed that very little pedal input is needed for pickup. You primarily use them for heading while hovering and at low speed.

I canā€™t wait to get my hands on a manual and dig into it.

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I have the same issue, CTD everytime I lauch a free flght.

I try clean up community folder, resinstall MSFS 2024, But nothing help.

AppName FlightSimulator2024.exe
AppTimeStamp 00000000
ModuleName FlightSimulator2024.exe
ModuleTimeStamp 00000000
ExceptionCode c0000005
FaultingOffset 0000000003800b55
ProcessId 0xb5c
ProcessCreationTime 0x1db4f0d4ee838dd
AppPath C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Limitless_1.2.7.0_x648wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator2024.exe
ModulePath C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Limitless_1.2.7.0_x648wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator2024.exe
IntegratorReportId a86ae054-dbb6-4cb4-bcda-cee8e9dd82c0
PackageFullName Microsoft.Limitless_1.2.7.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
PackageRelativeAppId App

Same on Xbox. Load in, and immediate CTD with the H225. Confirmed with one friend as well.

Xbox runs the rest of the sim pretty much no issues for everything Iā€™ve tried, the only thing currently giving me grief is the H225 and Hook cargo missions.


Feel free to vote here:



The fact that the devs received their versions at the same time as we did, just about sums up the unbelievably amateurish way this completely unfinished product was released.
Surely in an early meeting of all concerned, someone would have created a roadmap for development of the product and when these two key items were on the same dateā€¦ did nobody put their hand up and suggest the obvious impending disaster?
It literally defies belief. And we have paid good money for it.


So Iā€™m on Xbox and the aviator edition, but this helicopter has been removed right?? It was there when the game first launched, tho it seemed to be incredibly buggy, but a few weeks ago it just disappeared from my list of a available aircraft. Iā€™m assuming it was removed, but Im also seeing people talk about it so Iā€™m a little confused. Should it be showing as available in my simulator?

edit to say: Never mind, one of my upgrade packs werenā€™t active for some reason, activated it and the aircraft is showing now.

I still have no collective control at all tho. Not with any bindings, not by interacting with it in the cockpit. In fact the collective stick isnā€™t even clickable in the cockpit. So this aircraft is still absolutely unusable on Xbox.


Okay so the H225 doesnā€™t work on my Xbox Series X. Every time I load it in (Free Flight), cold & dark, the simulator crashes after about a minute. I just do a walkaround, the sim locks up, sound cuts out and CTD. Sadly, this also applies to all large aircraft, airliners etc.


Listen to this and tell me it doesnā€™t sound way better than the current broken desk fan sound of this heli. Redirecting...

This aircraft does not even work on Xbox series x. Just CTD each time. What a waste of money. Paying over $120 for the premium edition for aircraft you canā€™t even flyā€¦ Unbelievable


Please make sure to vote for the bug report below and get this bug actually loggedā€¦ Has not been acknowledged by the devs.


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In the H125, the following sounds are missing:

  • Turbine start sound, when starting the helicopter
  • Horn
  • System startup alerts for the helicopter such as WLT sound (warning light chime)
  • Fire test
  • Radar altitude

Others missing features

  • Servo test is missing (we need a key biding)
  • warning light test (WLT) is not key binding please add itā€¦
  • Squawk is unable, VATSIM or similar, pilots canā€™t flyā€¦

After update [] when turn off engine in flight, the VEMD goes all black, because aircraft battery was drained this should not happen, this is going to happen now because I/GEN goes crazy up to thousands Amp (gen off to avoid) because we are using the emergency procedure for engine fire, and this is one stepā€¦
Before this update was fineā€¦
It needs attentionā€¦

Missing features in the VEMD (Vehicle and Engine Multifunction Display):

  • Scroll should change vemd pages FLI and ARC mode, it shows torque, temperature and N1 (will be need a key biding).
  • Demister and heating buttons axis option for it, to reproduce de turning on the physical knobs (hardware panel)
  • The same axis options to the vemd on off buttons, bright and lightning
  • Final fuel values and the calculation of usage until depletion.
  • Some basic VEMD pages, such as the report page.
  • Performance page, allowing the input of weight data to verify IGE

Observations regarding fuel values:

  • Fuel consumption values are far too high compared to the real aircraft. The average consumption at high performance is 180 kg/h.

Issues with the VEMD needle:

  • The needle is behaving unrealistically, showing the engine usage percentage (FLI - First Limit Indicator) Slow action, throttle issues, start helicopter counting twice.
  • Indicator arc (engine arc) is not in the beginning itā€™s missing the arc monitoring (in a start for example), this part of the engine arc should be hatched the same way as its end.

Cyclic behavior:

  • The cyclic is functioning with less power than the engine.
  • At full engine power, the cyclic is nullified, which never occurs in the real aircraft. This should also be corrected!

Cyclic functionality:

  • The cyclic is overly forced forward. Normally, you apply forward pressure, but once the aircraft reaches the desired angle, the cyclic should become subtle, returning to center. For example, at 130 knots during a cruise flight, the cyclic should be centered because the mass is already adjusted. It should not remain forward, forcing the pilot to use basic controls incorrectly.
  • Needs attention in twist grip axisā€¦ not just button

Performance issues:

  • Maximum speed and maximum altitude are incorrect: they should be 155 knots and FL230, respectively.

These are my suggestions to improve this wonderful aircraft, enhancing immersion for more experienced pilots and providing better performance in flight for beginners.

Before Sebastian says this isnā€™t possible, these calculations should be refined. As a computer engineer and pilot, I am providing a more detailed opinion on processes already known by Asobo, but with subtle adjustments that could benefit all helicopters on the platform.

To improve the dynamics of the cyclic in MSFS 2024, it is essential to adjust the rotorā€™s aerodynamic model and the control interactions to more accurately represent the physical effects and real behavior of a helicopter. Here are some technical suggestions that could enhance the level of precision:

  1. Detailed Blade Element Theory (BET) Calculations
    ā€¢ Strengthen the segmented calculations of rotor blades to ensure each section responds accurately to changes in the angle of attack and variations in airflow during acceleration and cruise flight.
    ā€¢ Incorporate modeling for induced flow distortion, especially in high-speed flight regimes.
  2. Torque-Motor-Rotor Integration
    ā€¢ Recalibrate the relationship between motor torque, rotor RPM, and cyclic limits to prevent the engine from excessively compensating for a lack of rotor disk angulation.
    ā€¢ Simulate progressive collective pitch adjustments to avoid efficiency loss in high-performance scenarios.
  3. Rotor Disk Modeling and Gyroscopic Dynamics
    ā€¢ Incorporate the gyroscopic effect of the rotor disk more robustly, ensuring cyclic movements reflect the helicopterā€™s physical behavior.
    ā€¢ Simulate rotor disk deformation during translational flight, especially when the cyclic is pushed forward for cruise.
  4. Airflow and Downwash Dynamics
    ā€¢ Expand the simulation of airflow around the helicopter, including downwash and recirculated aerodynamic effects.
    ā€¢ Better model the behavior of rotor blades in uneven airflow, such as during crosswinds or rapid descents.
  5. Physical Simulation of the Cyclic
    ā€¢ Implement an inertia and resistance model for the cyclic to ensure it responds more naturally, returning to neutral proportionally to aerodynamic forces depending on flight conditions.
  6. Ground Effect and Lift at Altitude
    ā€¢ Adjust the ground effect to vary based on altitude, surface type, and aircraft weight.
    ā€¢ Include a gradual reduction in lift due to air density changes at different altitudes and temperatures.

These technical improvements can provide more accurate and natural cyclic control, eliminating the need for excessive pilot compensation and delivering a more immersive and precise experience consistent with the expectations of an advanced simulator.

Iā€™m confused. You mention missing sounds in the H125 helicopter and then continue to describe the H225? Or is that a typo and the whole post is about H225?

Thatā€™s cabin sounds of h125 who moved to it was the page administrator, I didnā€™t know why but thatā€™s asobo

When polished this will the best and with the best AP.

They need also polite the FBW in sudden and undesired etc. movements in their other helis also and in this, and when solved, would be incredible. It is funny already in its actual state pilot it haha, and visually is really good.

Would be my favourite plane during much time in the future, sure.