[MSFS2024] Archer Midnight

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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Does anyone know how to bind the hover push button on the LHI thumbstick? The manual tells you the bindings for ACCEL and DECL (Increase and Decrease flaps, although the animations on the button seem to be reversed) but nothing for the hover command. I found bindable auto hover commands (on, off, set and toggle) but they donā€™t seem to work with this. My VKB joystick doesnā€™t get any automatic bindings so Iā€™m forced to root around to find and bind things myself.

The twin stick nature of this is weird. The left stick didnā€™t seem to like my throttle inputs and was flicking left and right until I found an option to disable ā€˜LHI Assistā€™ on the PFD then I could actually use it. Guess the assist is there for people using gamepads. I restarted the flight and the LHI assist was enabled again. That really needs to be a persistent setting.

Also the screens are really hard to see in bright daylight, even with full brightness.

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I will most likely rate this aircraft in the (near?) future ā€¦ but what discourages me from flying it (and many other aircraft) is:

  • The key binding system does not allow to ā€œduplicateā€ existing bindings across aircraft categories
  • ā€¦ and (or) it has a bug in the ā€œUse for all aircraftā€ feature.

As I have so many view (camera) and flight related bindings on my HOTAS setup I do not want to waste time redoing all the work of defining the bindings for each aircraft category (airplane, helicopter, etc.)

I looked at the Archer ā€¦ I climbed inside ā€¦ and I turned on the cockpit ā€¦ but without my stick and throttle I am not too keen on flying (e.g. via keyboard). So for now I am sticking to the ā€œairplaneā€ category only.

So like with Joby, Stemme etc. I decided to wait for a future FS2024 update which will fix the command assignment.

I am looking forward to try all those exotic aircraft.

It is broken for me ATM if I start from cold & dark, it works nicely if I start it from the runway.
It is a very interesting and different aircraft and Iā€™m really looking forward to operate on several flights once it is fixed.

I canā€™t get the bindings to work with my X-56 HOTAS. The aircraft looks like it could be a ton of fun to fly if you can get the bindings to work. My X-56 HOTAS seems to be playing havoc with the left hand stick inside the cockpit making operating that little thumb stick with my mouse almost impossible.

Iā€™ll file this one under something to come back to. It looks very interesting and fun, when it works.

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Sounds like thatā€™s the LHI Assist. On the left screen press the button for ā€˜Sim Actionsā€™ on the lower right

Then turn the LHI Assist option to off and it should be good.

Unfortunately this isnā€™t a persistent option so youā€™ll have to remember to do it every flight.

As for the bindings its the increase and decrease flap commands for the LHI ACCEl and DECEL buttons. Dunno how to bind the toggle hover LHI button though, the auto hover binding doesnā€™t do it and the manual doesnā€™t say.


Dude, yes. Thank-you so much!

Have been wanting to fly this thing since the Sim released but my X56 apparently was not having a bar of it.

This was absolutely the fix - thanks!