[MSFS2024] Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner

I have a lot of flights in the Dreamliner in both 2020 and 24 since launch, and I have not found this to be true. Your very short flights between Reno and Fresno may not be the best route for the claim you are making? Alternatively, perhaps something amiss in the FMC or flight deck set-up that leads you to your conclusion? Are you doing additional, perhaps longer, flights to confirm your findings about VNAV on climb? Just a suggestion.

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I thought of this and lengthened the flight so that there is time for a full climb out and descent to Fl350. I recall the climb died out at around 2000 AGL.

I have another flight plan that is pretty plain vanilla from LAX to SFO in which the T/C and T/D are fine.

Let me retest the climb out on that one.

There is also one from ORD to IAD which has a tutorial published.

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One thing I have added to my own climb checklist is to make sure that the cruise altitude set on the MCP, on the FMC VNAV Cruise page, and my SimBrief flight plan are all the same. The cruise climb flight segment is a great time to cross-check these altitudes to see if they are still the same. I do this in all the Boeings including the 737s, 777s and of course the 787. Cheers!

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It looks like your were right on the longer flight!

It flew right up to FL350 and did the rest of the flight. Interesting that since I went out to lunch it went right into the holding pattern over SFO at FL350 when I did not initiate the descent (smarter than I).

PS You are right on this. I just get the plane to the end of the right runway with the overall free flight menu and then load and fix the flight plan at the end of the runway… cross checking the cruise altitude.

I have to figure out what the story is in RNO. I am probably trying to do too much there as this is a sightseeing trip really.

Thanks for the comments.

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Say, you have a screen shot in one of the posts you linked above. It’s a little small and easy to miss, but there is an FMC message that reads: “computed top of descent is before top of climb confirm cruise altitude” and I think that is probably about it for the short flight issue. Cheers!

That is if you have the wrong FL in the VNAV Page. I got the Reno to run by just waiting and it ran when it got out of town. I then looked at there was a restriction in the VNAV to under 9000’… so it did not climb because of the restriction… Duh.

In any case, I think this does work correctly… thanks for the fine reading.

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Funny how you missing things even after 4 years. I watched some 787 HUD training videos this morning, and it’s a completely different experience once you understand what the HUD is telling you. Highly recommended! My enjoyment of this aircraft went up 100% with proper handling. Fly the HUD in 2020. 2024 HUD feels broken.

the aircraft being in the cloud makes it full of bugs

Asobo, this time around, can you please unmirror the copilot PFD? Just have to cut the UV’s and shift them to opposite sides.

Actually, it is the lease buggy aircraft model in 24 that I have flown, albeit I have only flown about half a dozen! I do like the Dreamliner in 24 tho, it is one of two that I will fly IFR in IMC, the other being the FFX G2 VisionJet (not the native 24 version). Cheers!

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Ouside WASM Crash, all inbuild clear

Also G2 VisionJet native is way better than FFX, is more real

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Until a few days ago, I was flying the 787-10 with no issues. However, in the last few attempts at a flight, I receive a message at the end of pushback saying “tire malfunction landing gear malfunction.” After that, nose wheel steering is uncontrollable, so taxiing is impossible and of course the flight is cooked.

The tire pressure in the nose wheel tires seems low compared to the tires on the main gear. I can’t figure out how (or if it is even possible) to inflate the nose wheel tires. If anyone can guide me on this I would really appreciate it.

Otherwise, sadly, the 787 has become unflyable in 2024.

Sad to hear. I haven’t flown it since the last patch, sounds like something went very wrong. Oh well.

Do you need to manually trim for speed like on the real 787? I believe they made this thing behave like an Airbus eventually in FS2020.

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In 2020, yes absolutely. If you aren’t on the trim after takeoff you will be fighting excessive pitch right from the start.

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Ok, they fixed that then (at least in 2020).