[MSFS2024] Cessna 172 Skyhawk

Autopilot overshoots turns in both heading and nav, PID values need returning.

In FLC mode the nose up and nose down buttons should work the opposite way, as in nose down increasing speed and nose up decreasing it.

RNG knob is also working the wrong way, turning it to plus should expand the map range, not zoom it in.

Completely broken north up, trk/hdg up map settings, their menu entries don’t match the setting.

Need to move the throttle up halfway to have the slightest rpm increase


The 2 avionics power switches don’t work. Using Alpha yoke. Scan in settings shows they are the correct bindings.

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Found the same using the Logitech switch panel.

C172 classic doesn’t start, at least with Honeycomb Alpha yoke. Looks like electrical system is bugged.

I feel there should be a separate “polls and feedback” thread for the basic c172 and the g1000 c172, considering the basic c172 can’t even be started on the ramp and we’re not sure if thats a logged bug or not


I determined that this electrical problem does not occur in the C172 G1000 configuration. These problems did occur for me in the C172 Basic configuration

In general, the new walkaround functionality is good to see and adds to the immersion but it should be more fully carried out. Simply spawning next to the 172 and just removing the “remove before flight” items is pointless unless you are going to check the other important items. It would be great to have a future update where you can do a proper walkaround. It’s now missing:
-Visual inspection of the fuel tanks
-sampling all 13 fuel sumps
-Static ports
-Fuel vent
-Spinner & prop
-Altenator belt and engine inlet
-Air filter and front strut

A few things that I’ve noted:

-Cannot move the rudder by hand during walkaround. It doesn’t move much on the ground but there should be some movement.
-Please default the airplane with fuel selector in the “both” position - Rare to find it in another condition unless it was left there by mistake or some squawk on the airplane. [EDIT: Noted the securing checklist in the POH does state to place in either LEFT or RIGHT to prevent cross-feeding. As a 172 renter, I’ve only ever encountered it in BOTH, hence my observation.]
-STBY BATT Test: Hold switch in TEST position for 20 sec. Should illuminate the green light. It does not now.
-No fuel flow indication with pump on during priming process before engine starting.
-Not one of these 100+ posts have mentioned it so perhaps it’s my setup, but there still does not seem to be any need for right rudder input during takeoff


As I recall it the flap change was part of the restart 172S run.

Add in FLCH mode nose up increases set airspeed and nose down decreases set airspeed. 99% sure it’s backwards from the real thing but I’m 15 years out of a Skyhawk with G1000 now.



Basically nothing works. Good work. They’re features.

Still can’t understand how this could ever be released.

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I thought it was supposed to be left on one tank when shutting everything down? Although I’m not sure why. I figured it might have something to do with preventing leaks?


The C172 in the sim, as IRL, defaults to BOTH, as is appropriate IRL. What seems to be the issue?

Any kind soul care to help with a quick way of shutting down the engine on the Cessna. I know in 2020 it was RB + L on the Xbox controller and RB + R to start. Can’t seem to find where to set these up.

When leaving it parked or while refueling, you switch it to LEFT or RIGHT to prevent it from cross-feeding. If it’s parked with pretty full tanks, the selector on BOTH, and the right wing is higher than the left (this happens more than you think), it will crossfeed to the left wing and can spill fuel out the fuel vent Same kind of thing when refueling.


The default is RB+D-pad down to autostop. Otherwise, search the controller settings for “autostop” to find that setting and give it a binding of your choice.

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Just a quick question - did you remove the intake covers as well,as the static covers? I just right into the aircraft with Shift -C and couldn’t start the engine, stepped outside and removed the covers and it started right up. Looked around sheepishly making sure no one noticed then stepped back in and took off :-). The was on the G1000 variant.

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I started cold & dark in the 172 and the selector was positioned on the LEFT tank. Perhaps it is a conflict with a key / hardware bind but that’s how it was.

You are absolutely right - It is indeed proper per the POH to place the selector in either Left or right to prevent cross-feeding. I don’t own a 172 G1000 but it is what I rent from the flight school for my leisure flying. I’ve never had to switch to both during my pre-flights but that could be down to flight school policy. When returning, the aircraft is always filled to the tabs unless the next pilot requests for that not to happen.

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In my Flight Book for the 172 SP that i fly IRL, It states fuel selector Valve to Both as part of my “Before Starting Engine” section.

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That is Correct. Check the “Securing Airplane” checklist and see if it states to put the selector to LEFT or RIGHT. Mine does. If Asobo is modelling this, it is “by the book” procedure, but I’ve not see this in reality for the 172s I’ve flown from three companies. I’ve only seen it in BOTH so I never have to switch it.