[MSFS2024] Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX

so, after playing in Free Flight for a while i’ve discovered that those aren’t wind gusts. they’re just the overcooked mechanical turbulence from the ground (always present and always overdone even when there are no trees or hills underneath you) making the plane’s airspeed indicator surge and drop. turning Turbulence to Low removes this “gusting” effect altogether. of course, we can’t turn Turbulence to Low in Career Mode.


I would highly suggest users that have experience that effect, and see it for what it is, take a look at Active Sky.

Still, after over 9 weeks, the left aileron is deflected unevenly with the right aileron. This happens upon loading in cold and dark with no peripheral input whatsoever. I have a feeling just this would explain the constant roll to the right and severe instability in autopilot. Aileron trim helps very little. But as you can see in the picture it’s not the trim tab that is unevenly deflected. It’s the aileron itself. Dissapointing seeing this fix being pushed to SU2 which at this point is likely months away. Can anyone let me know if Blacksquare’s Analog Caravan has this issue? Futhermore, lets say it doesn’t and I buy the analog caravan through the 2020 marketplace. Will it show up and work in 2024? Apologies if all these questions have been answered I did my best to look before writing this novel.

The Blacksquare works perfectly in 2024. Well almost perfectly but that could be me doing things wrong with the throttle, I didn’t have them in 2020 and they are really minor. It is very stable when AP engaged.

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I’m not able to enable it. I assume because I bought it through the 2020 marketplace and its not officiallly supported yet? So if i would’ve got it from a 3rd party and put it in community it would work just fine im guessing. Smh. what a mess

You have to follow the instructions at the Blacksquare Caravan thread.

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Any idea on where to find the bksq-aircraft-analogcaravan folder? As I said before I purchased the analog caravan from the 2020 marketplace. cant seem to find a folder for it that i could copy to 2024

This is the official statement from Blacksquare regarding their products out of a different forum:

Black SquareBlack Square Developer

wrote on 15. Dez. 2024, 00:41 last edit by Black Square 15. Dez. 2024, 00:43


My standalone aircraft will be updated for MSFS 2024 compatibility (to the best standard I can offer with what Asobo has provided to us developers) for free. Now that some of the most important bugs are sorted out of 2024, I would like to get to this soon.

The Steam Gauge Overhaul (Analog) aircraft, unfortunately, do not have a path forward in 2024 as a complete product. This is due to changes in the default aircraft 3D models, model architecture, encryption, package version recognition, and sound system. I am creating new products for MSFS 2020 and 2024 for all the Steam Gauge Overhaul aircraft as standalone models, and up to the standards of the Duke, TBM, and Starship, including new features that roughly double the code complexity of the aircraft. These will be sold as separate products, with a discount for existing owners of the corresponding MSFS 2020 aircraft.

In the meantime, a few users have posted that you can enjoy the Steam Gauge Overhaul aircraft in MSFS 2024 by simply copying the base default aircraft from your MSFS 2020 “Official” package folder into the MSFS 2024 community folder. While this is not something I can officially endorse at this moment, it sounds like it’s possible, and it’s free! Let me know if you have any other questions!

I feel sorry for you that MS did not mention this inside the MP. Anyhow you did purchase them via the FS2020 MP and they should work inside FS2020.

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Right. So when i saw this a few days ago i was excited. Redownloaded MSFS2020 just so i could use the marketplace to purchase the steam gauge overhaul. Spent my hard earned $30 and It doesnt work in 2020 or 2024. It’s completly broken. I’m sure if i wouldve purchased it from a 3rd party site I’d be having an easier time.

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It is strange that it does not work in FS2020. Are you sure that the 208 is part of the package you own in FS2020?
Maybe the base product is part of a different package. Delux or something. Are you able to fly the “nativ” 208 in FS2020?

oh boy the plot thickens. so with the blacksquare overhaul installed in 2020 through content manager. i cannot see the default caravan. so i delete the blacksquare install. restart sim. still no caravan. check content manager. says its installed. im installing the premium and deluxe packages to see if thats why it was messing up but it says its installed yet its not available to fly.

deleting and reinstalling in 2020 brought default caravan back. maybe the blacksquare install into 2020 messed up the default 208 so when i try to copy it to the 2024 community folder it messes up there too. going to test further.

RESOLVED! the automatic download and install of the overhaul in 2020 borked the default 208 so when i copied into 2024 community folder it started all types of problems. cheers to everyone who gave there ideas and help while i was screaming into the abyss.

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Folks - please remember this is a feedback topic for the default Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX. If you wish to discuss the Blacksquare version, please do so in an existing Blacksquare topic or create a new one. Thanks!

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In carreer mode I find this aricraft hard to play. I the first three flights I had three different problems which ruined my career rating and cost me a lot of credits. I sold it.

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yeah, same here…
I sold it as soon as I had enough credits (from its sale + cash) to buy the PC12. … what a happy day that was :laughing:

if I was doing it again, I suspect I might not bother with the 208, and just used the vision jet, to go directly to the PC12.
Perhaps not so “efficient” , but more enjoyable, as I quite like the vision jet.

perhaps after SU2, I might buy it again … esp. as I’ve made a lot of credits with the PC12.

Having flown the Caravan IRL, cutting the throttle to Low Idle in flight never happens…

But yes, I’ve had situations in training in which we would do real steep descents in Beta, that’s a fun one…but also in the real aircract when you drop to idle, man that airplane slows down quickly…

Another thing that bothers me in MSFS2024 is the lack of stability on ground, if having heavy crosswind close to limits, taxi at slow speeds and you tap the breaks it can easily tip off…

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What I find interesting about the wobbling when you apply brakes, is that I just recently had a few landings in Africa on what seemed to be rough muddy ground (bare soil, not a grass strip) and I noticed that I could apply the brakes all the way until I came to a full stop without any wobble at all. The 208 was very stable.
The wobble seems to happen only on smooth surfaces and actual runways.

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I just had another one without wobbling. If anyone is iinterested, try FEGG in Africa. Pretty much no wobble at all while applying brakes until full stop.

I have a few questions about the C208. I have read through this long thread but I just wanted to confirm some things to see if I was doing anything wrong. I have sold the C208 in career mode so I could buy the PC-12 because I didn’t find it enjoyable at all to fly.

  • It wobbles from side to side constantly when in cruise, or pretty much any part of flight
  • VNAV descents are sometimes ok, sometimes it goes up and down massively as it continuously overshoots the vertical guidance.
  • It is buffeted really badly in even the slightest winds
  • Reducing throttles to zero drops it into beta
  • If tips under braking, bounces and generally feels very unstable when I get it on the ground.

These as I understand it are known issues with it, however I have experienced the following and I don’t know if it is user error or known issues.

  • The fluid control anti-icing systems have no effect on icing.
  • The max flow anti-icing switch doesn’t stay in position it switches back to the central position
  • In cruise in what I think were icing conditions my air speed will slowly creep back until I get a stall warning, descending a thousand feet solves this for the rest of the flight. This has happened exactly like this on a few flights. Using the inertial separator through clouds results in the same behaviour.

I wanted the C208 to work out as I am running cargo mission in Africa and it feels authentic to the experience, but it is not enjoyable to fly and every landing after hours of flight is a white knuckle ride in the hopes I can get the aeroplane stopped while keeping it on the runway and not tipping over.

I can confirm most of what you describe. Just haven’t faced the last point. Only situation I’ve experienced is the airspeed “freezing” because the probe heat was off in icing conditions.

The de icing system doesn’t seem to be working visually but performance wise I don’t see any difference having it on or off in icing or regular conditions. So overall icing doesn’t seem to be correctly modeled.

My experience is exclusively in career mode so I would say we also can’t really trust that it’s not a bug of career.

But I also haven’t flown it in a while so it might be something they added in one of the most recent updates