It works great for me, except for a very annoying texture bug that has been mentioned many times. Makes it almost unflyable. Was hoping to do an around-the-world journey, but I’ll have to wait until the issue gets fixed
It didn’t lose functionality.
The 2020 CJ4 never had these features except in our unofficial mod. When the plane was officially updated in the sim by us, it was completely rebuilt from the ground up not including any of our old mod code. Lots of stuff was updated to be much more accurate than the old mod, much much more than wasn’t carried over.
Charts were not included in the official 2020 CJ4 update due to licensing restrictions. Checklists just didn’t make it due to time. However, overall the AAU version of the CJ4 is way better and more accurate than the old mod.
The 2024 CJ4 is also from us at WT. Just like all our stuff we will continue to fix bugs with updates.
It really is one of the best planes, in MSFS2020 and 2024.
The only letdown in MSFS2024 is that in VR the clickspots are a bit off. Manageable, but kills a bit the immersion.
I’m sorry, but I’m late. I have to use the Navigraph cards on the CJ4 on both sims but nothing works. On fs2020 the charts button is not clickable and on fs2024 I can select it but it still doesn’t work.
Of course I have navigraph and the 2 simulators are up to date. I haven’t found access to the charts, but if you can give me advice I’ll gladly accept it. Thanks so much everyone.
LNAV doesn’t work well, rarely follows or does direct to correctly… defauly livery flickers. Everything else seems ok. Charts does not work.
This is the case in practically every other plane on certain parts of the virtual cockpit, except maybe the C172.
But hey fixing VR is such a priority it got pushed back to SU2 so we’re good.
I have a problem adding custom waypoints. In the list of legs in the MCDU the added waypoints are clearly shown, but they do not appear on the left MFD. In the screenshot you can see that the left and right MFD differ. On the right one, the plane is following the appropriate leg, But on the left MFD the line is white, and the plane is not on this course. This is simply because the leg is missing on this side. Looks like a bug to me.
Another problem with custom waypoints is, that when I add them in advance on the world globe, although they show up on the flight plan in the tablet, but are not transferred to the avionics. So I always need to add them manually.
Similar behaviour here, I wasn’t sure if it was a bug, or if I messed something up.
The left MFD is showing the wrong waypoint and path. It seems it’s skipping a fix or two.
The nav source, the distance and the time (to next fix) on both sides are the same, but the name and the map are wrong.
The distance and time to the destination are calculated from the wrong fix as well.
I’ve also had some navigation bugs in the CJ4. They seem to be intermittent and therefore very difficult to pin down.
Charts are not implemented on the CJ4.
Do you happen to remember the route that you were flying (or even have a planner link for it)? Could you also describe how you entered the lat long waypoint into the flight plan.
so, Im using the CJ4 is career and really enjoying it, but have an oddity.
when Im lining up for the runway for takeoff, I set flaps to 1st notch (15),
and the co-pilot starts yelling “Flaps overspeed warning”,
even though we aren’t moving
Ive setup the takeoff in perf menu, and set it to flaps 15…
so confused what the co-pilot is trying to tell me!.
is this a known issue/bug? or have I missed something ?
Are you sure it’s the co-pilot or computer system giving you the flap over speed warming, or is it the career mode giving you the alert while standing still and actually giving you a pilot deviation (docking points on the mission)?
If it’s the latter, that’s been a known bug on several aircraft in career mode.
Co-pilot , says something like captain flaps over speed …
also no, don’t get the career UI pop up message, nor docked points.
Ah, that’s a new one on me.
ok, thanks…
the odd thing is, on the c&d ‘test’ flight I did in free flight, it didn’t happen.
I’ll do a bit more testing, and see if I can replicate a mission in free-flight and check again… see if it is solely career.
if it is, I suspect its possibly just a variation, of the bug you mentioned.
I guess, I can verify that by applying flaps as I move - I thought Id tried that, but again re-testing required.
as I say, not a big thing, as I dont get dinged points for it, but I just wondered if I was forgetting to do something.
(hmm, I also wonder, if I do skip to take-off, if the same warning happens !?)