[MSFS2024] Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet

No idea. I don’t use the EFB for that. I use the Navigraph Charts app on my second monitor. Can you give an example of a waypoint?

Having kind of been through everything in career mode, I’d have to say the G2 is my favorite plane to fly. It’s just enjoyable. Is it perfect? Nope. The AP is functional, but seems a little buggy and incomplete.

Doesn’t detract from the actual flight experience though.

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yeah, the view is shocking, the lack of a window pillar is beautiful in VR

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As @Maki152 said, the nav data in the sim is the nav data. The plane itself does not have its own navdata.

It sounds like you’re having an issue sendiing the data from the EFB to the plane. I’ve seen tons of people have issues with this. I’d do a search of YouTube or this forum to find some posts on how to send the data from the EFB to the plane properly.

The real world Vision Jet is limited to not include certain procedures (RNP-AR) due to navigation performance requirements/limitations. This is replicated in the sim (both in FFX’s and Microsoft’s versions) to match real world capability.

The issue here may be that you are sending an RNP-AR approach from the EFB to the Perspective Touch+ system, and it is not accepting it and/or ignoring the the RNP-AR portion due to this.


It also won’t import all the pattern waypoints from the EFB, just the final. Could that be part of the problem?

Watch these 4 videos on YouTube from Kip for the Vision Jet:

One of the best videos for MSFS2024 and especially the Vision Jet. I consider it a must have if you fly this plane.

One remark: for waypoints one should use the external flightplanner from Microsoft: https://planner.flightsimulator.com/

This one is made by WTT and works much better then the internal one via EFB (from Asobo).

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We (WT) made both the online and EFB planners. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There is no way - with mouse and/or controller - to enter airport start and destination - the Xbox keyboard comes up, the name is populated but not accepted by the EFB. It makes the EFB implementation practically useless for Xbox - the only workaround is to put start and end airports in on the MSFS world screen so they’re populated in the EFB…

Until they get this fixed you can also select start and destination airports on the EFB map as a workaround. Helpful when you’re already in the a/c.


Yes, we have reported that to the engine team (it’s an engine side input issue) and my understanding is that a fix will be coming in a future update.

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Thanks for the update

I have this running on my tablet https://planner.flightsimulator.com/
You login with your xbox/live account and put the orgin/destination under route. Save then you can load it with the ingame efb.


Totally agree. To add to the above, I only bring in the flight plan once in the aircraft from the EFB in the aircraft, to prevent the sim from making any unwanted changes from its AI routine. The later I do this in the preflight process, the less opportunities for the sim to change my flight plan. YMMV but that’s the way I roll from SimBrief to online flight planner to onboard EFB.


Brilliant suggestion - I shall have a go. Thanks…

Thanks - I shall copy your workflow…sounds very sensible