MSFS2024 - CTD 5 out of 5 attempts today

How’s it going now almost a couple of weeks later? Is it still stable?

Well, everything was sorted well for me for the past few weeks. Logged in today after not playing for 5 days. All my graphic settings were changed, and game was barely playable for me after several restarts. Don’t know what the hell changed, this is VR btw, 2d was absolutely fine (I don’t enjoy 2d for helos, I only fly helos). Idk what or why this time, nothing on my end changed. Internet is still fine at 1gbs up and down.

Same problem here, ctd´s since the release! Is this Nvidia related? Don´t think so. Is Asobo doing anything? No replies in here! I´m sure Asobo would have come with a fix by now!

For the last 1.5 weeks, there have been no CTDs on my end. However, last night, while in Career mode and looking at the map my computer froze, and just now the computer CTD while in Career mode and looking at the map trying to figure out what mission to fly.

What did Asobo do on the server side of things? Nothing has been updated on my computer (NVidia driver, Windows updates, etc.).

So past week things were okay at worst.
Maybe a hiccup every 30 seconds consistently butter smooth otherwise… today was the nail for me, 40min flight perfectly smooth, everything fine, then, crazy physics, absolute mess (This is all VR). Esc to menu, and resume to game, everythings fine… 3 min later, MESS again, switched to 2d, butter smooth, switch to VR and it’s like the game is throwing a fit. Back to msfs2020 and everythings fine.

I’m taking a break from 2024 again for a few weeks, I’ll revisit again, x-plane is still fine, msfs2020 is still fine, and DCS is still fine. This game is a love hate relationship and right now I need a break.

I have noticed something consistently, when in free flight, all will be smooth in VR UNTIL ATC contacts me and finishes their dialogue and then my experience is destroyed unless I end flight and restart. I have turned this feature off and going to test it out for some flights. I’ll update if this has an impact on what I feel I noticed as mentioned.