Thank you. That is the answer I was looking for. Why they didn’t put that in their FAQ, I don’t know. The next question is: What price will they be selling the individual new aircraft for from the higher editions in the marketplace (when it goes live). I am guessing similar prices to things like the ATR. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Do we know what the price of purchasing aircraft from versions higher than the base version.
Now the game is out, does anyone know if it’s possible to upgrade to Deluxe or Premium Deluxe after buying the standard edition? Or do you have to pay the full price again?
I’m sure there will be an upgrade option just as they had in FS2020. There would be a large outcry if they didn’t. I think I saw somewhere that the additional aircraft available in PD FS2024 over those in PD FS2020 would also be available in the marketplace.
There will of course be a delay of several weeks till the new marketplace appears, and we know for certain.
Pretty sure there was no upgrade option in 2020 you just purchased the sim again as Premium Deluxe.
Not 100% sure on that, as i bought PD on day one, I may have it wrong but it is what I recall.
That is how I remember it.
If I remember correctly there were 3 editions available. Standard (also free with gamepass), deluxe, and premium deluxe. I don’t remember upgrade prices. You basically selected which edition you wanted and paid the full price for that edition. There didn’t seem to be upgrade prices i.e. if you owned deluxe…you still needed to pay for premium deluxe at full price. If you bought premium deluxe then deluxe was included.
From my experience, if you installed standard, the premium deluxe was installed with it. When you paid for Premium Deluxe which I did… that new portion (Premium Deluxe) of the standard install was enabled,
Based on that experience, I don’t think there will be level to level upgrade prices offered beyond what is offered now. There will, of course, be sales.
They were listed as separate items in the Marketplace:
As I purchased the full PD version I didn’t need to upgrade, but as they were included in the marketplace I assumed they were available for standard owners to buy.
But I may be wrong.
I have the same situation as you described, but at the present time, I need to enable it from ‘my library’ to get the 787, and the streamed 787 is an old version, there is no cabin, and some buttons can not be click. I don’t know it is normal or not
I think you are right. After realizing 4 free aircraft (post release offer) may not appease the masses there may be more discounts down the line.
In 2020 they offered discounts on a number of Microsoft-Asobo aircraft for owners of the PD version. They may continue this offer in 2024 but we will not know until after the market place opens.