Very sad about this because that aircraft was the reason why I spend more money on the premium version. This just can’t happen especially if its an aircraft used to upsell…
Yep, nothing works on the PC-24, although the PC12-NGX works fine. Not sure why they would even release an aircraft like this. Looks like the version we got was an early development version.
Lights are not just on, but completely blinding somehow. This whole aircraft is unusable…
Same as everyone else mentioned. I can turn on ground power and watch the MFD light up. Shades stay on, throttle don’t move, switch don’t move…etc etc etc. Plane is complete unusable. I can’t believe the state of the planes on release with the number of bugs. How does this even pass as being able to go to consumer???
My guess is that the upload got corrupted or something like that.
The other Carenado Pilatus the PC-12 works, it might have some bugs but works.
I guess the status of the PC-24 was very much the same but somehow it released in this state.
It would be very cool to get a word from MS or Carenado about this.
I think it is the only plane that just doesn’t work.
It’s pathetic that this one was allowed to release like this, and reminds me of the 707 launch. I suppose, objectively, this is worse. The 707 is actually flyable, even if it’s hot garbage.
The bugs in these planes are unacceptable, big or small. Why do so many stock aircraft have problems with core functionality?
Can’t even use it nothing works
Carenado delivered this plane to Asobo working…so the issue is an asobo problem, not a carenado one. Its pretty obvious to see that haha.
May I ask the source of this information about the state the aircraft was delivered in to AS?
This. And this was EXACTLY my fear when I heard that the two aircraft I most looked forward to, the PC12-NGX and the PC24 were being done by Carenado They’re well known for making pretty exteriors and shallow systems.
I can only hope that since WT did the Honeywell avionics now some better companies will step up and make the PROPER versions of these airplanes.
I’m sure they did, because even they couldn’t make one THIS broken. But I can bet you that like the PC-12 NGX they also did, there are a ton of bugs and very shallow systems depth because this is what they do.
The PC-24 was definitely the most anticipated aircraft for me. There are a couple others but this one was at the very top of my list.
Lets hope that the team responsible has been hard at work getting the plane fully functional and presentable as it is a Top Tier aircraft.
It was at the top of my list as well, but I somewhat luckily decided to NOT buy the PD version for now, and instead see how much MS charges for the planes piecemeal on the marketplace. And then they delayed the marketplace.
Almost seems like a blessing in hindsight
In real life, the PC-24s ground spoilers do NOT operate in flight to assist roll unlike in the sim. Only the outboard most multifunction spoilers assist in roll. The inboard most MFS is used for airbrake. The only time the large ground spoilers activate, are on landing with the MFS’s also extending to help the lift dump. *Source: I’m a PC-24 A&P mechanic.
I do like the NGX we have in the sim, its quite enjoyable to fly and the bugs dont prevent me from doing flights. I also wasnt expecting the same simulation as the full motion sims i go to for work haha. The pc24 is unaccepted but that is obviosity an asobo mistake not carenado. this could also be a bug but for the avionics(pc24), WT seemed to throw the 12 screens right into the 24 and not adjust things to fit(like getting overspeed over 240kts/.49 when max speed is 280/.74). Theyre not 100% perfect either lol, they have some things to fix as well.
Completely unusable. Seriously regret paying for the premium deluxe to have access to broken airplanes.
Aircraft is broken. How this passed QA is beyond unacceptable.
I sent a support ticket in for the PC-24. From the limited number of “flights” I’ve had in the 24, the spoiler/airbrake system is not how the aircraft behaves in real life. I’ve reached out to Microsoft and Carenado about this with my real world experience as an A&P for pilatus aircraft to hopefully get this small detail right. This aircraft also doesn’t have thrust reversers in real life and I know Carenados xplane pc-24 version had reversers modeled which is incorrect. It’s all brakes baby!