MSFS2024 Xbox Footage

I’m still very optimistic about the Xbox version, and really hope I’m not proven wrong.
The main thing I’m pinning my hopes on is the news that they have freed up an additional 512mb of ram along with 2gb virtual ram - hopefully that should make a difference.

I, like a lot of us on console was really disheartened by the issues post SU15, but I actually think that those problems show we’ve reached a limit for FS2020 on xbox, and that a large part of the impetus behind the development of FS2024 is creating a more efficient sim that should run better than the last one - on PC, but especially on consoles.

That said - yes, I wouldn’t say no to some xbox footage, but I find it impossible to believe that they would release a new title that wasn’t solid, and an improvement over the previous one, so I’m not that worried.


Everyone forgets that FS2020 is running on a very outdated FSX engine (2004) and FS2024 will be running on its own engine which means lots of room for improvement.


There will be no Xbox footage prior to release. All marketing materials are captured on PC, presumably at the highest setting, and both the preview event and the technical alpha was running on PC only. It’s also possible that Xbox optimizations are going on up until the last minute so the sim is not ready yet on console. Whether they can improve graphical fidelity like on PC, and run the sim without crashes and memory related issues remain to be seen.


Don’t tell me it’s going to be delayed…

Pure speculation.
There has been no mention of any type of delay.


I highly doubt it would be, we would know about it by now. But I’m quite sure it won’t be perfectly polished and it will have its launch issues. Also, how it copes on console with the increased fidelity is another question. I believe the optimization work will never stop, as it didn’t with 2020 either.


I hope the scope of optimizations for 2024 will be more agile. I consider 2020 to have been abandoned by the current team.

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Yes its speculation, but as SU15 was delayed with only 1 week to release a delay of 24 can never be ruled out until its been released.
Yes its a some what pessimistic look on things, but if proven wrong that would be a good thing.
If proven right then im not disappointed any more than usual.
After many years dealing with MS services directly Im fully aware of their “need to know” policies. And console users wont need to know aslong as they are still pre ordering. As always its all about the Benjamins

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Nothing can be ruled out until it happens.

However it is extremely rare for Xbox Studios to miss a PC/Xbox release date for a game after they announce it and start pre selling copies.

The early days of COVID were a bit shaky. Other than that, it just hasn’t happened this generation.

This is a case where the production studio decides the release date. And they tend to stick with the date they announce.

A SU release date is determined by the developing studio.


4 years on the road with the Series S. I won’t do that to myself again. No matter how good or bad it will run on the box, I will be buying a PC next year just for MSFS 2024.There are many reasons for me to get a PC. Not only have I not been able to use freeware or Vatsim for the last 4 years, all these years I’ve been constantly annoyed by the black screens and other limitations that a console naturally has. Fenix? No!. GSX? NO!. Freeware? No. Vatsim? Nope. Pay for liveries? Yes. Black Screens? Yes.
So far not a word has been said about the Xbox. Isn’t that at least a little conspicuous?
What is in any case fact, now with IniBuilds A320 V2 which has a certain complexity, has become clear to me with a console whether X or S it is unfortunately very limited.
If u fly with default Cessna Citation, u see sharp photogrammetry in MSFS 2020. So it was good what Asobo conjured up with standard airplanes despite the errors. But you also have to admit that Study Level Aircraft and/plus Airport with Xbox doesn’t work.
For example, I would have said that World Update 18 is not suitable for Series S.
Here you can see very well, even if you take a Cessna, so a default plane that does not cause performance problems, with World Update 18 you can see where the limit is for Xbox.


Let’s try to stay on topic, please. Before it turns in another PC vs Xbox.


At this point, with the release so close, it appears that the only way XBOX users are going to find out anything about the XBOX version is to buy it and hope for the best on release day. That’s ridiculous, and has me very concerned about why they’re not showing it nor talking much about how it compares feature-wise to the PC version.


It must be said that it will be available for Game Pass Ultimate subscribers on launch day for no additional charge, but your point is still a very good one

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You don’t HAVE to buy it right away. Let others with more money than patience go first.

Microsoft want to sell Xbox consoles. If they did previews showing “here’s how it looks on Xbox but here’s how much better it looks on a high end PC”, everyone who wanted to get into simming would be going out and getting a PC; a PC that isn’t bought from Microsoft and also has access to tons of freeware and 3rd party websites that won’t result in purchases being made through marketplace, another source of revenue for Microsoft. To make this sim, it needs to make money - people don’t work for nothing

I have faith that new the sim will fix a lot of the issues on Xbox and, being on Gamepass on my Xbox series X, I (along with many others on here) will be on it day 1 and will be posting thoughts, videos and screenshots on here to help everyone who is sitting on the fence decide whether to move on or not