Multi-Monitor support and other key considerations

Hmmm, a forum for Cockpit Builders…

Hard to understand how this GORGEOUS game could be released without default multi-monitor support or robust integration for cockpit builders that use custom built (3rd party vendors) items.

Take for example desktopaviator!com panels. They are recognized, but when you save the profile, they don’t actually work in the game. Odd, may even be a bug???

Legacy Yokes/Rudder peddles ignored, from leading brands too. CH Yokes are no longer the darling of flight simmers, but they are still very common. Not even recognized by default.

For me, a thread about “Cockpit Builders” is a gateway to having these things resolved/implemented so I hope for developers to be active in this thread.

SUBMERSION is what takes this from arcade flight game to flight simulator.

Your poor peripheral support and lack of multi-montior tools must be a high priority to implement.


Hopefully they will notice if we keep harping on it enough. LOL

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And a front view without virtual cockpit for the cockpit builders who use a video projector !



For the time this has been in development, it’s pretty obvious most serious flight sim enthusiasts expect the game to operate on multi-screen. It’s also pretty obvious most enthusiasts have similar hardware to operate a simulation game - and yet these fail to work!

I had far greater expectation than what’s been delivered - before I start looking for a refund a go back to x-plane, I hope they address these and other basic issues very soon.

Not impressed.


This is one way, where I use 3 monitors:

Another way all in a raw:

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Search the Alpha forums. We have been. :wink:

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