Multiple screen - decouple the viewpoint in each new window added

The fact that Asobo came up with the multiple window solution that they did reinforces the belief that they didn’t understand/use flight simulators when they took over FSX from Microsoft. The current solution is simply a mirror of the main window, with the ability to pan it. Not at all what FSX and other flight simulators provided.

After spending many hours trying to come up with a solution for having the analog instruments on a separate monitor so that they are always in view, regardless of main camera selection/view, here is what I have come up with. This solution works well for me, and the kind of planes I fly, and as it turned out, it cost me nothing to implement.

Using a 2016 Samsung 10" tablet I had that wasn’t in use, along with the free software product called “SpaceDesk”, I set the tablet up as a second monitor. Then, using a product I already had called “Panel Builder” I put the basic flight instruments onto the tablet. Now I always have the instruments in view, no matter what the view choice in MSFS.

This is what I was trying to achieve in MSFS, without the need for 3rd party addons, but even at year 3 of MSFS is still not available (was not carried over from FSX).

Of course this solution does not provide a realistic panel for a given plane, and involves hassling with 3rd party products. But it allows you to stay straight and level, make coordinated turns, control your speed on landings and maneuvers, see if you are climbing or descending, etc., while you have an outside trailing view, or are making a video.

About “Panel Builder”: Version 3 costs $30, but only comes with the basic “six pack” of instruments (which is sufficient for my kind of flying). However, Version 2 that I have came with hundreds of instruments. I compared usage and performance of 2 vs. 3 (trial version) and could find no significant difference, so decided to stick with 2, giving me a lot more instrument choices. Setting up an instrument panel for a plane is easy, and the setups can be saved per plane. To customize the max/min/yellow/red on say a speedometer you just use some drop-downs on the instrument to set as desired. No programming knowledge is needed. I’m not sure if it’s possible to buy Version 2 with the full pack of instruments. The instrument pack for Version 3 can be purchased for an extra $40.