Multiple UVs

Is it possible to have different texture channels use different sets of UVs?

For example the albedo using one, and the occlusion/roughness/metallic using a different set of UVs?

Not that I’m aware of, but I doubt there is any reason why you can’t use different resolutions in the images for each map… ie diffuse at 2048x2048 and normal at 1024x1024. I’ve used this approach in the past where one map needed far more detail than another and the UV unwrap was a compromise.

I’ve not tested this in FS2020 but can’t think why it wouldn’t work.

The issue is that my current UVs use the same parts of the texture all over the object, so the UVs are horribly overlapped - higher resolutions wouldn’t fix it as I still wouldn’t be able to bake the AO without redoing the texture on the entire object.

Blender can certainly export multiple UVs - if I try it, the gltf looks like this:

"occlusionTexture" : {
                "index" : 0,
                "texCoord" : 1
            "pbrMetallicRoughness" : {
                "baseColorTexture" : {
                    "index" : 1,
                    "texCoord" : 0
                "metallicRoughnessTexture" : {
                    "index" : 0,
                    "texCoord" : 1

Note the ‘Texcoord: 1’ line.
There’s also a field like this, which looks promising:

"msfs_show_ao_use_uv2" : 1,

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