Hi there,
My mouse was invisible when I first started the sim. I had to restart the program…I just wanted to ask , was that a bug? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mine occasionally does that. Normally I can just left click it and the cursor shows up. It seems to get stuck on another window sometimes.
That happens to me as well. I have other stuff like Navigraph and LittleNavMap open on my second monitor. If the game loads while focus is in another window, I won’t see a pointer. All I have to do it click in the game window and it’s back.
This usually happens if you have multi-monitors and click off of MSFS, then move the cursor back to it - it’ll be invisible. Simply clicking on the sim should reveal it.
ALT-TAB, even if you don’t have another application or window running, is enough to make the pointer reappear. This started happening after Patch #5.