My Updates

When you go to your Profile and click on the tab for your updates, the method of scrolling down the list seems a bit awkward to me. Unless they fixed it during this last version, you always had to reload certain Japanese content. Couldn’t the filter be a bit more useful by adding “content needing to be updated?” The entire filtering system should be revisited so that you can find things a bit easier. Also, is this a place where you can disable (temporarily) an update? This program, tho great to look at, is sadly lacking instructions. I keep going to Amazon to see if someone wrote a 5 star definitive manual yet.

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It would also be nice if updates available for download could be flagged on the main menu screen at the top. Currently it just informs you of things you just did manually, like making a purchase or downloading something, which is just shy of pointless.

I just click the Check All button. If anything needs updating, then the update option will appear and I can let it run.


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