NAV mode in G1000 not working

When I switch from HDG mode to NAV, the autopilot turns the plane towards the planned path but then it does not capture the heading and keeps flying past the path. Is the NAV mode not implemented?

Same thing happened to me last night as I was testing out something else before I realised I was running the original G1000 utility in the sim - up to now I’ve been replacing it with the Working-Group offering which seems to work okay (C172).

Not had chance to recheck it and they’ve also issued an update which I’ve yet to install.

As regards your problem has this just happened i.e. after Update 2? What aircraft?

The best thing you can do for any Garmin G-series plane is to install the three Working Title packages. Bookmark this page and check back often for updates. If you fly the CJ4, there’s a package for that plane too.

I fly several of the G1000 aircraft in the sim, without mods, and haven’t found any issue capturing a course when changing from HDG to NAV modes. Can you specify which aircraft you’re having issues with and I’ll try to replicate the issue.

What do you have the CDI set to? Do you have it set up for GPS (magneta line)?

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Thanks man! That solved it :relaxed:

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Is there still something wrong with the Autopilot ?

I have only lately been starting to use the Autopilot and NAV Mode sometimes works and sometimes not, although I believe I am doing the exact same things.

I do not have any mods installed, just trying out the stock Autopilot in the X Cub.

So, are there still issues or should all be fixed by now and I am doing something wrong ?

Make sure you are on GPS mode for flight plan following, or VOR mode for V2V Navigation. It should work

The only way in which I’ve ever had it not work was if the navigation source (CDI) was set wrong (eg to VOR1/NAV1 when I expected to be using GPS/FMS).

This fixed this for me as well. Now I know why it works sometimes and other times not. Thanks for the tip!


Hi - I’m having issues also with Nav mode not working at all with the G1000 nxi in the Skyhawk 172. I have all updates installed also. I create a flight plan in World Map and set the altitude to 8000 msl and FLC to 75 kts. After I leave KBJC heading NW, I turn on AP then Nav mode which is flying to KAPA, 23 nm to the SE but the plane never turns from a NW heading to the SE. Heading mode works just fine. The CDI is showing GPS and is magenta and the Flt pln shows up on the other screen to the right. One other little quirk, when I go to set my FLC speed using the vertical speed button, I have to use the “down” button to increase the speed up to 75kts. What little hair I have left is quickly thinning out! LOL

Hi @CloudyEntree975
The NXi now works mostly like the actual unit, which means the NAV mode will “arm” whenever pressed, but won’t engage until the CDI is relatively close to the actual course. So in your case, you’re correct in using the HDG mode to turn and intercept the desired nav course. As soon as you’re close enough, you’ll see the NAV indication light at the top of your PFD turn green and actually engage the NAV mode and put you on the desired course.
When using the FLC mode, think of the up/down buttons as changing the desired rate of climb, which will result in a change of speed. It’s a different way of seeing it, but might save the hair!
Hope this helps you working with the upgraded NXi.

Hi @Habu2u2 - thanks for the insight! That was the issue. My hair thanks you! Now when I try to use an approach procedure, my plane takes off on a totally different heading not in the flight plan! Usually in the opposite direction. I don’t ‘activate’ the procedure until I’m within 10 miles of the arrival airport. There aren’t a lot of videos on the NXI that explain this, just the old G1000 ones.

I’ll get back on tomorrow after I check some details. I’m more familiar with the G3000, but I think you can call up the approach and see all the waypoints associated with it (you can see all the waypoints using the FLP button). Normally you want to “activate” the approach a little before the first waypoint listed for that approach (which may or may not be the IAF). For an ILS You can normally hit the approach button when the system changes to the “LOC” mode, or no later than the FAF. Unfortunately, sometimes the current ATC doesn’t always get you low enough to ensure capturing the GS at/near the FAF, so you might sometimes end up above the GS far enough that it won’t capture automatically. That’s a known issue. Then it should take you right to the runway (exceptions apply!).
Sorry for the brief explanation. Dogs need to go out and then bed, and I’ve got some things to get ready for tomorrow. I’ll be back on sometime tomorrow.
P.S. I edited this a bit to be more inline with the NXi, since some of the info I had listed really applied more to the G3000. BTW, there are other folks reporting that the plane wants to turn away from the airport rather than toward it sometimes. I don’t think they’ve exactly figured out what’s causing it yet. I’ll go back and look at that thread and see if they’ve narrowed the issue down.
One test approach I use to validate issues, that I know works well, is KSAR to KSTL. IFR low, ILS to RWY 30L, using MOODS transition. I usually fly at 6000’, and heading toward MOODS, it will tell you to go down to 4500’ and then as you approach one of the fix points after the intercept, you’ll go down to 3500’, all per ATC. The ILS there works pretty good, and it’s a short flight from an uncontrolled airport into Class B airspace. You might want to try things there and see how it “should” work.

So I think I’ve figured this NAV/RNAV thing out! If you add an approach procedure, you must turn on the ‘Approach’ button on BEFORE you hit the first waypoint for the altitude(s) to come down as you get closer. Happy days!

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