When I activate Navigraph Charts within the simulator and then move the window to a second monitor, I get screen tearing. Vsync is enabled. I tried vsync in game and then just using the Nvidia control panel; same result. When I close Navigraph, the tearing stops. It’s not a big deal for me as I normally use Navigraph Charts separately.
Think I had this once but haven’t noticed recently. Having said that I have started running Navigraph charts in my iPad and it works really well for me.
Does this issue also occur if you use other MSFS panels on a second screen?
I am asking since there is known major performance loss when popping out panels:
[BUG LOGGED] Performance Decrease when Using Pop-Out Panels
Good call. I just tested it and it does. I tried the VFR map and the GPS screen. I got tearing when each was moved to a second monitor. There was a huge drop in FPS as well. Thanks.
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