Need good AI program!

What are my options for realistic AI at airports? I have AS simple traffic but the generator is random…Is there a way to get airports to have the right airlines that they really have?

Im at KMEM at the Fedex terminal and there isnt a single FEDEX plane anywhere.

This covers quite a lot of airports already;

Don’t mind the link name, works for FSLTL and ST as well I believe.

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Relatively speaking Airport Gate Mapping & Taxi Fixes has only a small handful of airports…but based on your response I tried FSLTL …yes I now have some FEDEX planes at KMEM!..But I still have a ton of default AI even though I have that option off…and there was a China Southern 737 there as well…there is no way that airline flies to Tennesse!

Someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that if your Traffic setting is on and you have Ground Aircraft Density set to anything above zero, MSFS will insert whatever plane it wants at your airport.

Ok we are good! FSLTL is the answer…i dont like that i have to activate it every time i do a flight but ill take it for now!

This is from their website:

Recommended MSFS Traffic Settings

The FSLTL Injector can run alongside MSFS traffic but to ensure the best experience we recommend the following MSFS settings to avoid conflict and overlap.

  • Flight Conditions
    • Air Traffic set to “off”
  • General Options / Traffic tab
    • Aircraft Traffic type set to “off”
    • Ground Aircraft Density set to “0”

All I know is that when Ground Aircraft Density is above zero, you’re probably gonna see those oddball airplanes.