Need in depth tutorial on web flightplanner

Can someone point me to a video or source that will give me a deep understanding of the web flightplanner? Does anyone know if the in-sim flight planner will someday be as in depth as the web planner? Tks

I suggest you to use Simbrief flight planner. You need Simbrief for fuel planning anyway, because the current online EFB does not support it.

Well that doesn’t really answer my question. I’m trying get away from reliance on Simbrief.

WT plans to improve the functionality of both versions, especially in terms of fuel planning, but apparently also in other areas, but I think the web planner will always be a bit more complete.
The flight planning works very similar to the planning in Navigraph Charts.
Do you have any specific problems with the web planner?

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No. Just connecting transitions for airways, SIDS and STARS. Not problems, just understanding how it’s done. A tutorial would be nice.