Neofly 1.3.3

Highly recommend checking this program out it’s a ton of fun and really adds to the experience. Solo dev working his butt off! Join the Discord channel and get updates when new versions go live! :arrow_up::arrow_up:


recommended highly! I had a ton of fun using it over the weekend. I also grabbed self loading cargo for airliner flights.
Neofly is super simple but enjoyable way to add some purpose to the flights, i am impressed it is currently freeware.


I agree…it solved my problem on where to fly next haha It’s also still in beta so this isn’t even the final product…there’s more to come :grin: it pairs nicely with little navmap also

Same boat here, NeoFly for GA and Self Loading Cargo for airliners. Both are wonderful applications that take the sim experience to the next level.

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This looks really cool! I’ve been neglecting the small planes and spending way too many hours in the big jets. Neofly will certainly help balance things out, thank you for the tip.


Look great, I’ll give a try! Thank you

It’s good fun, but how do you keep your progress when you update it?

i have it installed. But because in NeoFly i have only the Piston-licence i cant do anything because there are only jobs available for single engine turboprob??

When you say you cant do anything, do you mean you cant do what you would like to do?

You should have plenty of missions available that can be done in the 172. The missions can be done in any plane that you own. There are no missions that can only be done in a Turbo prop for example. The only thing you need to consider is cargo and max pay loads.

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copy the ‘user’ folder to the new install.

If you are updating 1.3 and above, just put the new neofly.exe in your existing neofly folder.

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Really? So i dont need that licence for Turboprop? Can i pick a mission for Turboprob licence and fly it with the c172?

OK, For missions you can use any plane as long as it has enough payload space. For Qualification ‘pass’ test flights you need to buy the correct type of plane before doing it. So for Category C (turbo prop) you need to buy something like a TBM 930 before you can do the test.

The missions are based off the ICAO not the license type, you can fly any mission with any aircraft but you have to have the correct license to fly that aircraft

Why cant i select Xcub in Neo as starter plane? Is it always Cessna 172?

You cant choose at the moment. But as its still in beta you can edit your hangar file and have whatever planes you want.

I recommended taking a look here:

I’m honestly only interested in flying the TBM, don’t really like the Cessna. It’s very clumsy to use in the virtual cockpit.
I just edited the user\career.txt file, added some cash and turboprop profeciency and bought it. Just do the same if you don’t like the Cessna.

I’m grateful the data is plain text and easy to update. I’m using this tool for fun, to give the flying some sense of purpose. If it required grinding to get what you want I wouldn’t use it.


thanks for your input :ok_hand:

uhm, when i open carrer.txt i see only asian symbols. How to edit?

Strange. Try a different editor like Notepad++. Might be some encoding issues. It’s plain text. 99% UTF-8 encoded.