Net Limiter 4 bundle?

Hi devs,

I was wondering if it would be possible to launch a bundle ‘Flight Simulator’ + ‘Net Limiter 4’

A high number of users report issues with download stuck, and one of the solutions recommended is to download Net Limiter 4 in the Support section.

I am flagging this because I have the same problem as others. Net Limiter 4 was the only fix that worked for me to download the game, but my trial expired. The licence is c.30$, which is a bit expensive for the sole purpose of downloading FS which already costs 70$.

This Net Limiter fix has been recommended for a while and it’s unclear when the download issues will be fixed, so perhaps Asobo could partner with Net Limiter to sell the two softwares in a bundle.

I would welcome the views of others.

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The fact that I STILL have to use a third party addon to limit my network speed to download patches from this “sim” 3 months after release, is indicative of so much that’s wrong with Asobo.

Can you say what specific setting in Net Limiter 4 is being used by those that need it?

You can set up a limit on the download speed for the game. It seems completely random but it has worked for many. The limit at which you need to set it varies. Mine unlocked the donwload at 2mb/s, for others it was 0.5mb/s, others 3mb/s.

If you come across this problem I would suggest trying a few settings. It’s the only thing that worked for me to donwload the game, I’ve tried every other fix.

The software isn’t free however. My one month trial expired and Asobo published a 6gb update which I cannot download without the software anymore, so I am also hoping they address the issue which users reported regularly sinche the launch. Until then my game is broken.

This is not a bug report, as such I have moved this to General Discussion.

Apologies for the incorrect classification, it’s related to a bug so I thought I would send my proposal here but thanks for moving it to a more appropriate place.

The reason I asked is that Windows 10 can do QoS itself. You can use “gpedit.msc” to make changes to the local computer policy, one of these options is “Policy based QoS”.


That’s why I was asking what specific setting is Net Limiter using, in case this can be done for free with built-in functionality.

I need to use NetLimiter 4 too, to avoid download resetings. I wonder why some people are affected by this download problem and some people are not.


Thanks for flagging, I wasn’t aware of this. I tried setting up a policy but I didn’t get how to set up a download limit. Would you know where I could find more information please ? Netlimiter is straightforward to use, you can right click on FS and limit it, but maybe Windows offers the same option

I have never had any trouble with downloads. I wonder what the specifics are for those that have the trouble. Does it only affect those with 200 gb plus download speeds or even greater dl speeds … I have 130gb dl speeds and have never had a download reset. Those that have, chime in, and lets see what we have in common that may cause the issue or prevent it from happening.

Documentation can be found here:

It would be helpful to see what Net Limiter was configured to do. For example, how is it limiting the incoming flow, or is it? It is instead limiting outgoing. A screenshot of the configuration from Net Limited would be really helpful here, so anyone that is using it still please oblige, if you can.

The only settings you can use are present in either the QoS policy, or advanced QoS settings dialogues.

I usually have download speeds of c.50/60mb/s on my connection.

Thank you. It seems it has a function to cap the maximum amount of data downloaded, but I haven’t figured out how to limit the download speed. I may need to look at Youtube tutorials to see how to set up these policies.

I used Netlimiter4 and it is working but its not freeware, and after my trial period was over the want 20 bucks. Is there any other working solution for free ?