New 23GB update today for me

Anyone else seeing this?

Haven’t used the sim for about 5 days. Started it today and it did a 1GB update, which I was expecting - the Navidata update I expect - but then after that finished and I thought I was up to date, it immediately started dong a 23GB update, which wasn’t expected.

Both updates are happening in-sim, not in the installer.

That’s caused by the core files you replaced with some mod. When updating the sim checks the files and when it detects some where altered you have a big download waiting for you. So, if you don’t want that don’t replace core files.

I dont see how you could possibly know one way or the other if he has or has not altered core files when others have reported the same issue and have not modified anything. If you look your core files in the fsbase folder you will see that every one of them has a created and a modified date too so how precisely the updater somehow identifies modified files that some claim causes this large update is anybody’s guess, if indeed it does it at all. I personally doubt that the large update is in any way related to mods and is just a coincidence.

Correct. Same here. It said 1Gb. Fine. Then followed by 23GB!! So I left it and going to bed. Was hoping to get some flying in first but not a hope. The only tiny file I replaced was the tree mod which makes the trees correct size. Everything else is stock in the core folder. Is it really going to do this every time?

Absolutely not the case. I never replaced any core files. I refuse to install any mod that doesn’t live exclusively in my Community folder. I had to download the 23.9GB package as well. I had even removed my Navigraph data and the contents of my community before that update.

Ok then, keep altering core files and having big updates to download, since you know all.
I and others that never messed with core files never had a big update to download. You do what you think it’s best for you. Bye.


I don’t care about what you say. I am 100% sure you had altered files if you had to download 24GB. Maybe you can’t remember you did it or you thought altering that files was ok, as some guys say about the trees mod. The thing is, if you had that big of a download you had something changed. Period.

And you’d be 100% wrong


I’ve replicated this issue with installing mods into my community folder the other day. I had removed my community folder files prior to the large update last week, but forgot to remove them for this smaller nav data update. I’m not sure exactly what mod it was, though I only had some liveries installed (via an installer) and aircraft - the 320NX, DA62, and XCub. While I never directly modified any core files, for some reason the game wants to read the community folder changes as files that are omitted from the game rather than modified. Unless you’ve got an entirely empty folder, I think it’s likely an install error will occur.


maybe there was just a defect in the SIM or on the hard drive that caused the SIM to perform this new download due to faulty files

In which case that would make the updater somewhat flawed. It should not read community files as anything other than non-core files and it should have a system where it can check for missing files within its core folder structure. The bandwidth wastage alone not to mention the lost time is enormous.

For both last week’s update and the nav data update, my community folder was empty. Both times it made me download the extra 23GB.


My community folder wasn’t empty when the 1GB download happened. I had the Navigraph data, as well as the 530 mod.

I didn’t have to download the 23GB again.

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Maybe the critical point ere is that your don’t care.

You are wrong.

I have only two modified files apart from the community folder - usercfg.opt an the trees file.

Neither were replaced with originals by the 23GB download, and they weren’t write protected.

If your theory had even an ounce of truth, it would have replaced those files with original Asobo versions.

Best to get all the facts before you launch into people with unfounded responses, and maybe realise that some people around here do have a clue.

Go ahead an troll some more. I won’t be listening. I’m off on an 8 hour flight.

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Quite, your point is the same point that I made in another thread about these large updates.

As people chime in saying they know the reason why they happen, more people post about their own sim setups and experiences proving these peoples theories don’t add up.


I’m not sure about that… I obviously don’t know what the updater is looking for and I’m yet to understand anything Asobo does (:D) but my understanding of general updating processes is that - if something has been recognized out of the norm - more than just this single file gets replaced. The fact that this very file was untouched is definitely strange and I would certainly file a Zendesk ticket about that issue, no idea if that makes any difference :smiley: But there is no reason for the updater to download 23GB if nothing had been changed.

So is there ANY chance, that your anti virus software may have intervened during the 1GB download prior? So the updater thought it had failed or the AV maybe became overly curious DUE TO this initial update? I’m actively contributing in the PMDG forums and I have seen soo many weird things happen due to over agressive AV software.

Those who are getting 23GB updates when others like me only had 1GB, surely you can see that it isn’t the updater that’s the problem. Whether you realise it or not you MUST have changed the core files somehow.

My update was 1GB and the big December update was the proper size as well where others reported they had to download the whole program again. Computers don’t do random things , even in games where things can appear random they have been programmed to be random.

If its installing 23GB of files it is replacing changed or missing files it is the ONLY explanation, so instead of insisting you haven’t changed something why don’t you investigate the mods you have installed because one or more are changing your files whether they are supposed to or not. The only mods I have are liveries and I never have had to re-download anything

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Your experience means nothing just as it is for people who have never had a CTD yet insist on trying to tell those that have why its their problem and not stability issues with the sim.

Some got a large update with no content in the Community folder. Others got a large update with so called modified files remaining untouched in the base folder. A third group got a large update with no changed core files of any kind. A forth group have content in the community folder that some say is a no no and got a small update as expected. There is no discernible pattern to these peculiar large update issues, nothing we can pin down to any one specific cause.

So please stop telling the rest of us what we are supposedly doing to cause these issues because your experience does not qualify you to comment on other peoples sims, files, folders or pcs.


I read some where that fbw mod changes some core file. Could be wrong.
I faced the same issue as you and only new thing i did out of routine was download fbw October mod, da62 and g1000mod 4 days prior to running update.
Did you by any chance did something new with mfs ?

Edit 1 : i exchanged our experiences with one other user on forum, and we found that he updated fbw mod recently.

What I am saying is that something is different in your set up to mine. Must be, blindly going on about the same thing isn’t going to sort your issue out. The updater works the same way for everyone but something is different in how your game is installed than others. It’s the only explanation and blindly attacking anyone who tries to help or make suggestions isn’t going to fix your issue

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