New KAP140 Autopilot MOD - fixes problems when using external controls or keyboard

Most welcome! I love that there are so many gadgets, gizmos, and bolt-ons to MSFS. The base sim is good, but man when you start adding stuff like your KAP-140 mod to the mix, it comes alive! Allows an enthusiast like myself to really sink myself into the procedures and experiences, even if it’s “just” virtual flight…without having to constantly battle my horrible motion sickness. :face_vomiting:

Lately I’ve been flying back and forth between PHNG (MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii), and PHSF (Bradshaw AAF, Hawaii). PHNG has a handful of approaches to rwy 22 - RNAV, TACAN, and a (controller directed PAR/ASR?). The approaches to rwy 04 are all visual, and because of the dominance of the tradewinds (from the NE) out here, that’s usually the runway in use. PHSF has one approach, an RNAV to rwy 09. (it’s also up at 6190’ elevation, so takeoffs in recip engines can be interesting.)

Lately I’ve been almost exclusively flying the BlackBox Simulations BN-2B-20 Islander. That’s one reason I was so excited in your mod - several of the planes I like have the KAP-140 (or MS’s approximation) equipped. LOL, of course then I load up RNAV approaches… for my… plane that has no idea what an RNAV approach is. :rofl:

Going to see if I can implement the “trim to VS instead of hauling back on the yoke and trying to mash the AP on button at the right time” method tonight. We definitely have airports out here with ILS approaches, so I’ll try out the LOC / GS as well and report back. I gotta look back through the thread and / or do a little reading, 'cause I’ve never had that option with the KAP-140.

Oh - skipped over the APPR, REV comments. Yes - I will see if I can do a little more formal testing of the mod over tonight and the weekend and report back.