New Livery Showing As 'Not Installed" In Content Manager

So what does it mean when a livery shows up as Not Installed in the content manager and there is no option to select install. The livery doesn’t show up on the aircraft and I’ve triple checked all the files. I used the base files from an already working Livery then changed the files to match.

Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:tools-utilities

Is this a custom livery you made yourself?

Yes. I used an existing livery that I know works and just match up the files. I’ve done this before with success but can’t find what I did wrong this time.

Did you change any file names?
Did you make a new layout.jsn file?

I did not change any file names but I did grab some of the F-18 default textures and changed them, So I added to and replaced some files to the Livery. The files I added I also added to the Layout.json. I can see the livery in the content manager it just says it’s not installed and I can’t find an option to install it despite not having had to in the past.

I would make a new layout.json file.
The edit to the original may not have been successful.
Ifr you don’t have this, here is a link to an easy creator that I use.

Thanks that’s a pretty nifty tool there but it didn’t fix my problem. MSFS knows it’s there but like it just won’t install. Any other ideas?

I have a number of Liveries not showing.

I’m having the same issue with the Longitude after a fresh reinstall of MSFS. The livery has all the correct files, but it does not show up other than in the content manager as “not installed” and when you hit the ! button it says “waiting”.

All other aircraft I’ve installed liveies on have no issues at all, just the Longitude. I wonder if I have a bad install or missing files?