Carenado published a tweet today about its MSFS aircraft. It’s worth noting. (Read the whole thread.)
Officially, yesterday’s update was a nav data update, which should have had zero impact on the planes’ bugs. Unless Asobo did more that they haven’t shared in that update, then I’m skeptical.
When a customer/simmer takes more an of initiative to fix avionics bugs than the company after years of ignored customer feedback.
I want my money back. How is possible?
If it’s beyond the return date, it’s not possible.
Ok, Carenado never more.
Over all I’m so fed up with flight simulator 2020 I maybe going back to xplane 11, I have never been so fed up with a sim but I’m going to be getting my money back from the plane and the sim, yes it a beautiful sim but what good is it when you can’t even fly all because it crashes
well my pa44 still ctd if i click the sunvisor even after the last update and Carenados claim it wont LOL
Edit,my bad carenado has not updated pa44 just yet
Yep, they need to fix the aircraft and I know some day they will, getting from A to B and having a CTD after 30 minutes in flight can make anyone upset. Having a plane work very well in P3D v51 has got me to fly there more these days. I still use MSFS taking a scenic flight not using a flight plan, that seems to work well. I have not seen a CTD with the P44 and the 182 (the only 2 I have from Coronado). Seems stupid that if Carenado releases a fix, then after a few days at most the MSFS team oks it, it needs to be released. Than is what Content manager was for.
So I will keep trying MSFS after updates with AP, Flight Plan, and procedures until it works. I think a lot of people out there would be hapy if the aircraft issues are address, the beta test next year should help get better updates
So the solution to the crashes is to disable all the functionality.
I have seen this in programming before, some bad programmers put all their functionality in generic errorhandlers that supress everything, and expect that this is neat programming.
//do nothing
Didn’t help my M20 and to be honest looking at the content manager it doesn’t look like the plane was updated its still showing the old version number.
I’m with you on that…
In fact I pulled MSFS last night, and I thankfully have had few CTD’s… but many AP issues, and after it CTD once, I pulled Xplane up… and flew several flight without any issues.
MSFS for me is GREAT eye candy - but for a simulator its not in that category - should be called Microsodt Flight Game.
Hope it gets better…
Obviously, in the absenec of real time, Bug reporting from the App, a better(and very easy thing ) would be
write detailed error to a log, that can be submitted to the developer
Its still new not sure why people expect a sim to be perfectly working a few months after lanucn fsx,xplane p3d was released with issues.X-PLANE is a lot more mature platform.Be patient it will take you a long way!
MSFS is the best thing that ever happened to XP11 I tried to get my money back from steam for MSFS but it’s too late how ever it freed up space on my hard drive
Where is Tron?
From my comments, so far I’ve had very few issues; but in context I wanted to fly a simulator - not submit bug reports…
I’m really not that invested in MSFS 2020 or XPlane. Have both, like both, and use both for different purposes.
But when I have the time to use either, I hope they perform as advertised. MSFS is great for VFR, and it will eventually be great for IFR I’d say. And I’ll keep and use both…
But the reason I and others have expectations, is because Microsoft whet through a beta, and sold it as a finished product - not an early alpha, or a beta - which I’d have probably bought.
I gone through several of the beta with X-Plane, and honestly never minded the glitches and crashes with betas - it’s the small price to pay to see what’s on the horizon. But MS, realeased FS2020 way to early, and that’s an easy call since at least 50% on her scream about it; and the other 50% are apologists for MSFS (which seems strange to me - it’s a computer program from a company I have no direct contact with other than computer usage.)
If there is that option I’m not aware. In fairness, I loaded new software in Xplane and got a CTD - a restart corrected that, but the option to file a bug report did come up in Xplane.
Never seen that option in MSFS2020, although it may be there in the log files.