I just updated the sim and Navigraph AIRAC Cycle and it is causing the sim CTD when selecting KSEA as my Departure airport. Any one else having this issue?
Just saw the same issue. I zoomed into KSEA and it froze, followed by a CTD.
Hi Folks,
This can’t be in Bug Reports as Navigraph is not a stock sim configuration. Moving to ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs .
My recommendation (and note I too am a Navigraph user) is to raise this at Navigraph Forums. I recorded a clip to show it crashed out, so if one of you would raise it there, I can add my clip or send it to Richard (NavData) who usually triages these reports.
Looks like it’s not just KSEA but others including myself have commented on SEA. 2501 rev.1 CTD's at default KSFB - #15 by cstigberg - General MSFS Data - Navigraph
I just raised it here:
Are you sure it’s Navigraph?
Because I have the same kind of CTDs since the installation of the base navdata in 2020, zooming in for select the gate, and the SU1 beta for my 2024 installation.
And in both cases, I have CTDs without having Navigraph installed yet. So weird.
Well, in the singular case I filed above, with Lufthansa Data (stock), no problem getting to KSEA. With Navigraph installed, CTD. Pretty binary case, although I won’t rule out other root causes. But at the moment, we need Navigraph to investigate and opine.
Same CTD scenario being caused by Navigraph. Different airports in the notheast (kmht, kash).
I am seeing the same thing. I had updated Navigraph using navigraph hub but coincidentally I also updated to msfs2020 this morning and had CTD trying to start at KMHT. Happens while zooming in to pick a parking place. Using AddonsLinker I isolated it to Navigraph plug-ins but haven’t yet isolated it to a specific plugin (there’s 6 or 7).
Personal Comments and Observations
Folks - please report or participate at Navigraph forums to help raise the issue to visibility. Thanks!
I am seeing the same thing with S50 and KBLI
Bonjour suite à la dernière mise à jour du 25.01.25plantage au niveau de la vérification des mises à jour … quelqu’un a aussi ce problème? Merci
Just stumbled on this topic.
Fired up the sim and tried KSEA and KMHT. Zoomed in and out on both airports and spawned at a parking location. No problems here. Navigraqph subscriber here as well.
PS: the topic on the navigraph forum is already closed
Same issue here in both simulators, 2020 and 2024 when you select KSEA as departure ando zoom it automatically. Both simulators are up to date as well as navigraph. Any fix? Thanks
Hm, interesting. Just tried it and didn’t CTD myself.
Had my first CTD in 2020 in a very long time flying around Hawaii, PHOG specifically after the latest AirAc update, I thought it was just me….
Just as an update, Navigraph pushed out 2501.2 which fixes this and some other similar reported issues. Should be available in Navigraph Hub now.
Thanks for the update!
Confirming, I had the same issue – sim would crash when I selected KSEA for departure airport right when the map started zooming in. Getting the latest AIRAC update in Navigraph Hub fixed the issue for me