NEW Nvidia Drivers: GeForce WHQL 516.94 - Nvidia has issued a security warning for it's GPU drivers on 4/8/2022)

Hi Manuel,

I must say having you here is certainly a good news!

I’ve been publishing a certain number of guides in these forums for configuring one’s NVidia hardware for FS2020 gaming, both in 4K and in VR, and the latter both with WMR (G2) and SteamVR (Index).

From the feedback gathered in my topics the 457.30 driver was a clear winner for a long time and it is only until recently, since 466.27 at least, that newest drivers are starting to be equaling the venerable 457.30 for many FS2020 VR users. However there are still a lot of assumptions and uncertainties which would greatly benefit from your insights.

The following questions mostly for VR are probably the most discussed about in this forum and are source of very differing reports sometimes in the context of FS2020 VR:

  • Is HAGS offering any benefit in VR or is it known to be causing problems?

  • Is it equally benefiting 20XX and 30XX?

  • Is there any driver version after which the 20XX card series aren’t benefitting much?
    (except the security bulletin, this question is more with regard to performance and/or driver bugs).

  • Is there a clear explanation of Threaded Optimization role?

  • Is there any particular NVidia setting most recommended for WMR/OXR which wouldn’t be recommended for SteamVR/OXR ?
    (here I’m thinking about settings like VR pre-rendered frames)

  • Conversely, is there any setting most recommended for SteamVR/OXR instead, or for both, or actually not recommended at all for any?

  • Is Latency Mode and Vertical sync having any real influence with an HMD working in Direct Mode (it seems it has but this depends on the driver version, sometimes it is better, sometimes worse).

And last but not least:

I can notice there are times when SteamVR motion smoothing is breaking, as if it is no longer syncing in time properly with the game rendering. This started to happen with FS2020 latest world update, which also coincides with 466.27 to 471.11 drivers period and SteamVR 1.17.x (last few versions) and 1.18.x (latest beta versions). When this is happening, the overall rendering reduces to single digit FPS and motion smoothing lags a lot with lots of artifacts. When disabling motion smoothing everything displays back to normal and I can even crank SteamVR fixed rate to 40fps/80Hz without any hiccup, but enabling motion smoothing back is a whole mess again. It seems there is a correlation between either the game not rendering in time, or oversubscribing the VRAM (this is also raising a question to me whether NVidia/Optical Flow, and SteamVR/OXR, can allocate and pin VRAM which can’t be deallocated by the game for example).

I haven’t found any tooling which would enable tracing what is happening, especially whether it is FS2020 use of the OXR API which is problematic here, the SteamVR/OXR driver which has a bug, or the NVidia Optical Flow SDK has a bug ( An Introduction to the NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK | NVIDIA Developer Blog ). This could also be a case where FS2020 is submitting the frames too late and maybe Optical Flow doesn’t have enough time to processing the frame until the next tick, therefore causing desynchronization of some sort, but again there are no tooling that I know of which could help tracing this behavior and finding the root cause in the context of running FS2020 in VR.

Is there something we can do to help Microsoft, Valve and Nvidia assessing what is going wrong in this situation?

Thank you in advance for your assistance with these!

PS: here are the links to my settings topics:
My 2070 SUPER VR settings and suggestions (Index - SteamVR)
My 2070 SUPER VR settings and suggestion (Reverb G2 - WMR)
My 2070 SUPER 4K settings and suggestions - episode 2