New pc for Msfs 2024 and more

Thankyou for this, probably thinking of the 4070 super at this point, Thanks again for the info

The 4070 super ti has more GB of ram than the 4070 super. It costs a little more. 16 GB instead of 12.

Where are you seeing the 4070 Ti Super for only “a little more” than the 4070 Super? It’s substantially more expensive anywhere I look, especially at that price point.

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I’m seeing being only a little more expensive here. $589 vs. $776. It cost $187 more, according to the table. What is that compared to the price of a system?

Remember, this thread is about a budget minded build, so that is a substantial increase both card for card and relative to the entire build.

Even if budget wasn’t an issue, an extra 30%+ for a higher end component is still a substantial increase.

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A few more fps by spending a little more money is not necessarily worth it. And where does such increases end?

But 4 more GB of ram is very important. Not in general gaming where the scenery is not dense but movements in that scenery is very fast (suddenly spinning around to aim and then shoot behind you).

But in dense slow moving scenery (MSFS) when you run out of RAM on the GPU, bad stutters happen. With 12 GB this will happen quite a lot, especially when trying to land. With 16 GB it almost never happens that you run out of GPU RAm and get those stutters.

Spending under $200 to get 16 GB of RAM is money spent a whole lot wiser than spending it on something else on a new computer.

I don’t necessarily disagree with this, as long as it fits in your budget.

To the rest of your comment, getting back into that would just have us debating in circles. I’ll just leave it that and say that my earlier comments already cover those points.

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I think that by christmas there may be some benchmarking done on 2024 and so I could make a decision between the 4070super and the radeon 7900gre, I know that the 7900gre has more vram but the 4070super also has better raytracing performance and native frame gen.

Still slightly confused on which one though, also benchmarks never usually show performance with addons such as gsx, fenix, and other big addons. Because i mainly fly airliners i’d want a lot of these addons. Could one card run better than the other vanilla and the other way round with addons? I’m not sure just asking.


I don’t run a lot of add-ons, but I think most of them impact the CPU more than the GPU. One notable exception in my case is the We Love VFR add-on I run, which adds tons of additional scenery objects. Especially when it comes to high voltage power line towers and smokestacks. I do notice a GPU performance hit with that turned on, but it’s not horrible. The performance numbers I’ve mentioned earlier are with that mod turned on.

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You are always going to get the NVIDIA and AMD split and bias and thats fine, personally for me FG is brilliant and I use it all the time, and I’m more of an NVIDIA fan than AMD, it would seem to be the same for most of the populous based on the AMD vs NVIDIA sales as well. Both manufacturers do great video cards and its often a personal preference to be fair.

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Thanks, I think I am definitely going for the 7800x3d as it is probably the best value gaming cpu, and it should be more than enough, now swaying more towards the 4070super as i think the frame gen will benefit my gameplay with addons. Hopefully in this upcoming dev stream we will get some more info to give us an insight into potentially what hardware maybe works better?



I don’t know if the 2024 version will require better hardware or be less demanding than 2020. I do think running both 2020 and 2024 while things get sorted will require large drives. In the previous dev update it was said that both sims cannot access assets using the same name. So there would be 2 versions of that package while both sims are being stored and sometimes 2020 is being used for testing against the 2024 version.

I paid under $200 for a Tom’s Hardware recommended 4TB drive a year ago or so. I’m already using 2.3 TB of data for a trainsim and msfs.

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The 7800x3D is an excellent CPU and you will be on AM5 as well so in the future you can upgrade.

Ive always preferred intel however with the issues with the gen 13 and 14 procs ive gone off them a bit.

The AMD cpu machines ive built have been rock solid once its done the memory training and the right drivers installed which can be a bit of a pain but its well documented.

I have a 13700kf with an nvidia 4070 super and it runs MSFS well on ultra. Id aim for around 1440p as optimal for the card. 4k is ok but can have some troubles with 12Gb VRAM.