New planes by Microsoft

Will Microsoft be adding new planes for free or just 3rd party developers

I moved your post to General Discussion.

No one can answer that with 100% certainty other than Asobo. They have mentioned in the past adding new planes. Whether it will be free or a paid DLC is anyone’s guess. Until they say something, we’re all in the dark.


Microsoft have confirmed they will be bringing new planes to the sim. I think I would give Jorg the benefit of the doubt, don’t you :slight_smile:


I agree. He said they would bring new planes. Although whether they’re a paid DLC (I’d say more than likely) or freeware (not likely) is another question.

Personally though, I’d be ■■■■■■ to see them adding new planes when the Premium Deluxe planes are still as incomplete as they are with basic stuff like inoperative mixture controls, baro settings that can’t be key bound, 50+% of system listed as INOP when they work on the standard edition planes. And based on the PD edition planes, I wouldn’t be very likely to fork out my dollars for an official DLC seeing how poorly they did on the last one.

we have to be clear that payment planes are not a guarantee that they will work well, at least at the beginning

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There’s a big difference between “working well” and “woefully incomplete with the most basic functions lacking”.


I know helicopters are coming from Asobo…

I think we won’t see payware grade aircraft from MS/Asobo any time soon when the core Garmin avionics of the sim are so broken that even when offline with AI-ATC it’s incredibly troublesome to do a simple IFR “point A to B” flight even semi-realistically.

If it wasn’t for @ScorpionFilm422’s GNS mod and Working Title’s G1/3k/5k mods I’d have totally given up on IFR, instrument-based flights in this sim long time ago, and used X-plane instead. There’s a good reason why heli has been postponed to 2022 and Asobo made a great decision by doing that. As much as I love MSFS 2020 and everything it has to offer, the IFR, automation and avionics in their default state have been an absolute letdown for me.

The mods from Scorpion and Working Title are the sole reason why I am not reinstalling Prepar3d and XP11 yet and I hope Microsoft and Asobo would realize this one day and reward these devs appropriately.

Every day I look at this I try to be patient and calm myself down:

Also a great news from Working Title:

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