Didn’t read any manuals. Spawned on the runway. Did a quick (very quick) circuit/pattern around my local airport. Yep that’s one sporty little airliner!
yeah, I configured the max and min throttle values on the ipad, so they were definitely in idle. Did a computer restart and bound the “decrease throttle” button and that fixed it.
If you have only one throttle axis you are unable to use reverse throttle using default MSFS preset buttons for toggling reverse. Definetly a bug.
I’ve only got 1 throttle axis due to the nature of the x56. It works. Try restarting the sim.
Already tried. So when you press “Hold reverse throttle” and push your throttle forward it is actually starts to reverse?
disregard, i misread your post. yeah, the default button/increase throttle = modulated reverse thrust doesn’t work like in other planes.
Performance on aircraft add-on with msfs compare to P3D, you will never have drop, the only reason why on P3d there is significant drop with 3rd party, it’s because default aircraft was very basic on polygon\3d model and everything, not the case of default msfs one.
no it doesn’t. it goes “all or nothing.” You’ve gotta set it to “Decrease Throttle.” the same assignment as when you press F2.
I read that the CRJ FCU is similar to the one in the WT CJ4.
In the CJ4 I was able to set up a flight plan in MSFS Scenario, then I went into the FCU, after setting the initial position, I was able to hit Index, page 2, Route Menu, & ‘Game FPLN’ came up as an option.
Selecting that then translated into the CJ4 following the Magenta line when a GPS flight had been created in Scenario.
Can the CRJ do the same if you follow the above steps in the FCU?
Hello friends,
One question, how is the performance of this plane?.. do I need a nasa CPU to run it a good FPS rate?
No, you can’t do that. You have to manually enter the flightplan. What I do (and what I find easiest to do) is to use SimBrief to create the flight plan. Once you export that to a PLN file, you can load that PLN file in the World Map. That gets ATC aware of where you are going. Once you are in the cockpit and ready to enter, just enter the flight plan manually using the generated one from SimBrief - via entering airways, SID, and STAR.
On my system, the performance of the aircraft is not any less than the default airliners and A320NX.
I use a modest laptop - 10th Gen i7 mobile CPU, 16 Gigs of 3200 RAM, and an RTX 2060 with 6Gb VRAM.
Thanks for the quick answer
how much is this aircraft?
$51 USD… That pricing is available on the link provided and the Marketplace.
thanks i might reinstall MSFS to check it out i just reading the reviews
Anyone know how to set an assumed temp for takeoff? I don’t know what it’s called on the RJ
just getting low fps like 12-15… don’t know why. other planes like longitude with g3000 mod are getting like 30-32-35fps
also I’m using the airbus tca quadrant., and its not working with the CRJ, its working with other planes but not with the CRJ
Please help with it
Can’t help with the FPS as that’s dependent on your own settings and system
As for the throttle do two things:
- Check in your control bindings that your throttle is set to Throttle 1 Axis and Throttle 2 Axis and not Throttle Axis (0-100%)
- Follow the tutorial instructions in the documentation to calibrate the throttle for the CRJ using the EFB (tablet on the left of the cockpit)
If this doesn’t work you should contact Aerosoft support as everyone here is a player just like you.
So far so good with the CRJ.
A few issues for me include:
The Rudder Axis Left and Rudder Axis Right keybinds do not work. The only thing that works is Rudder Axis. However, this is a problem, because my joystick does not support Rudder Axis. I must assign Rudder Axis Left and Right for it to work, but unfortunately these keybinds seem to have no affect on the plane.
The AP is a bit wonky so far. I am specifically having issues with Altitude hold and the ILS. The plane seems to love pitching up a lot. I have had the plane not hold Altitudes from the preselector with +1000ft deviations.