New Release: Pilot's Boeing B314 "The Clipper" Flying Boat

Did you compare the .flt files for Runway and Apron?

Just had a chance to try the updated 314 last night. I can also confirm that I have gyropilot issues when starting cold and dark (think I used the 314A on that flight). It climbed sharply and then rapidly descended at close to 2000 ft/min. I then did a runway start with the 314 California clipper and had a very pleasant flight. Headed out of LaGuardia seaplane base and pointed myself towards weather ship Hotel. With gyropilot engaged it followed heading and stayed at altitude quite well after an initial slight pitch up that it recovered from. I took a few star sightings with celestial navigation and discovered I was only 4 miles off my intended course. By that time I was pleased to see that I was receiving Hotel’s beacon and continued on my way.

I’ve missed flying this beast and I look forward to relearning her quirks.

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Did anyone get it to work in FS24?

Quick test flight in 2024. All worked fine, including gyropilot.

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Glad to hear, how did you get it working? I copied and pasted the folder from FS2020 community into the FS2024 community folder but it does not show up for me.

Huh…that’s pretty much all I did, too; it did seem like it didn’t show up in my airplane list the first time I copied it over and ran the sim. Here’s my directory:

Notice I moved my Community folder from the default location over to my dedicated drive. There are a few videos out on how to do that.

I tried a few other planes, like the BR Goose, and Tukan’s Trimotor, and they are showing up as well. By the way, the Pilots seaports showed up on the map just fine (you can’t see the seaport icons in the free flight map until you zoom in quite a bit, which they’ll need to fix).

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A shot of the “A” model moored at Pointe-a-Pitre in 2024. I upped the wind speed (to not not-safe-for-flying speed) to see how the plane reacts with the waves. Gotta say, it was bobbing long right in sync with the waves. Just watching it for a few seconds on my big screen induced my well-documented motion sickness.

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I don’t own the B314, but with regard to stuff copied into your Community folder in general, a couple notes.

First, verify the folder you have set as your Community folder matches the one the sim thinks it is. In the Library tab, available from the Marketplace tab in the sim, click the small gear icon next to the search box at right. That will show you the parent folder for the sim’s Community folder. If you set a custom location, remember this file path is the PARENT of the community folder. I have my sim in a custom folder (E:\FS2024) so that is the location I have set in this screen. So my actual community folder is E:\FS2024\Community. You have to restart the sim after setting a custom location for that location to work.

Second, your Community content does not (yet?) appear correctly in the Library screen. However, airports will show in the Free Flight map, and aircraft will show in your list of aircraft to select and fly. I’ve tested a couple favorite warbirds (GotFriends F4F Wildcat and FlyingIron F5F Hellcat) and both worked normally.

If aircraft don’t show, or airports aren’t appearing, check the folder location again.

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Need help with the Atlantic Weather Ships and their NDB’s. Still in 2020 and flying from BW314 to FY314 at night (that’s what the PanAm schedule for 1945 showed). Tuned Weather Ship Charlie and only got a signal when I was within 75 miles. The LNM pop-up says it should have a range of 200 miles. Right now I am between Charlie and Juliet but still beyond 200 miles from Juliet. Also the deflector dials are very difficult to see at night even with the flashlight. #1 is impossible to see.

What is supposed to be the range of the beacons and is there a way to get light to those deflector instruments?


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If you use LittleNavmap you can see the range of VORs and NDBs there.

Yes…in my post I said the LNM says 200 miles but I only got the signal when I was within 75 miles.

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I don’t know any NDB with a range greater than 75 nm. That’s class HH. I’m not sure if NDBs even exist with a greater range.

I agree…and these are listed as class HH. Why Pilot’s put 200 miles in their file is a mystery. Thanks.

For legal navigation these days that’s true. That’s also based on a modern standard service volume (SSV), which is the only thing the sim understands. In reality an NDB is just like an AM radio station, same frequency band and everything. We used to tune the ADF to a big city radio station and listen to the game, watching the needle point at the city, several hundred miles away.

I’m guessing these radio ships had a lot more powerful signal than a typical NDB and could be received much farther away.

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I had the same issue and reported it to Jerome.

I was also unable to receive November when I flew to Hawaii. I meant to skew to where the ship is and test, but 2024 got in the way.

Right, but the sim probably restricts the range to max 75 nm.

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Exactly. Sorry, I brought it up that way so a broader audience would have a better understanding of a major limitation of the sim. My hope is that we could use that knowledge to affect change - the more, the better. I know this is like #412 on the list of priorities, but it remains a consistent issue.

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On the topic of the weather ships, I think I was receiving “Hotel” off the east cost at greater than 75 miles. I don’t know exactly when it started receiving as I was occupied with taking star sightings but I’m almost certain it was over 100 miles away. I will check in LNM when I am home this evening. That is the only beacon I have messed with though, real life cuts into sim time a lot.

Update: I was receiving “Hotel” from at least 167nm away. This was the position recorded when I took a star sighting so I measured from that point.

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If anyone is looking at improving sounds, I found this excellent article on ambience. It breaks down the different categories of sound inputs and how they might be blended.

I wanted to try the B314 in msfs '24 and download the latest but for the past few days I have been unable to access as it returns an error (tried different browsers, even different computers). Since I purchased from directly I need to get the latest from them…did their website change?