New tow-plane functionality with 3rd party gliders

Is there a way to ‘tell’ MSFS that 3rd party gliders (such as the K7) are in fact gliders, in order to be able to use the new tow plane launching method?

I’m a real life student glider pilot and the included high-performance gliders are totally throwing my sense of descent angle judgement off from the Blanik L23 I fly in real life. The K7 on is pretty close to what I fly and allows for genuine practice, but MSFS just sees it as a powered plane in the aircraft selection stage

You can try the Discus 2c, it has the ability to connect to any other plane in the vicinitty.

Standard version (Freeware)
Discus-2c Standard » Microsoft Flight Simulator

Premium Version (Payware)
Got Friends » Discus-2c Premium » Microsoft Flight Simulator

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The following aircraft.cfg entry in the [FLTSIM.x] block defines the new glider type:


I don´t know if that alone is enough, but in the case of H145 helicopter changing it to “Rotorcraft” allows you to spawn at helipads for example as the item is then understood as a helicopter by user interface.



Ok just changing that actually worked, wow - thanks!

Some issues though, the towplane line is attached over my head rather than to the nose, obviously can’t expect the sim to automatically know where the tow hook should be so I guess the 3rd party dev will need to update that unless there’s a simple way to change tow hook position in a .cfg file too?

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Take a look at the reference_points.cfg file in the Asobo-aircraft-ls8 model.

I bet all this stuff is also discussed in the SDK as well.

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I can’t lunch the discus via plane on Xbox

Suggestion for Asobo devs - for my issue with the 3rd party K7 glider tow rope obscuring my view due to the 3rd party developer not accounting for this future feature, maybe a ‘hide tow cable’ option would be a hold-over?

This is the glider in question: Schleicher K7 Glider » Microsoft Flight Simulator

As a student pilot, these high performance gliders throw off my practice in low performance training gliders as I get far too used to their different glide ratios

In post [ANNOUNCEMENT] Schweizer SGS 2-33A Glider (Freeware) - #21 by EPPRglider81 I already described you how you can fix connection points for Ka7 yourself.
I can assure you all unofficial gliders will soon be adjusted to new glider tow and other mechanics introduced in SU11, sadly SU11Beta didn’t release any info or example glider for devs to have time to adjust so some time now is needed.
I don’t think hiding tow cable functionality is necessary.

As said above there is just the reference_points.cfg needed. It defines where the cable should attach, just like an interactive point or a contact point. Other than that the type has to “glider” and the layout.json has to be updated for MSFS to “see” the new configuration file :wink:

The same thing also works for towplanes - they also got the reference_points.cfg in place to define their attachment point. Anyway these may need as different flight model. On tests the behaviour of normal user aircraft like the DR40 was pretty strange (e.g. way too high AOA on takeoff resulting in a stall).

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Hi. Is it still impossible, to use the DR40 as a tow plane, because it goes to a stall a few seconds after take off…? Or is there a setting so that the most important tow plane can be used? Thanks!

As long as MSobo does not fix the motor in this plane, nothing you can do.
The digital representation is totally underpowered.

The only thing you can try is to do it like Asobo does: make a copy the entire aircraft, modify the engine and flight model to work the same way as the “tug” C172, and try to use it.

So no, you cannot use it straight out of the box even in AAU1 beta.

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O.K. Thanks!

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