There are 4 new values in the flaps-position line in the [FLAPS] section for the A320.
Old: flaps-position.1 = 10, 215, 0.25
New: flaps-position.1 = 10, 215, 0.25, 1, 1, 0, 1.5
Nothing in the SDK about this, or even about the last number in the line of the old format. Can someone shed some light on what these new values represent?
Thanks. That’s a really nice reference source to have at hand, but it doesn’t answer my question. Its discussion of the Flaps.N section is the same as the MS ESP SDK, which doesn’t even tell what the second two numbers mean, let alone the last 4 new ones.
But, I have since found the answer:
1st number: Flap deflection in degrees
2nd number: Max speed in knots (VFE)
3rd number: Drag coeff
4th number: Lift coeff
5th number Area Coeff
6th number: Added Camber
7th number: Aft center-of-lift displacement
(I’m not sure if the last one has been “turned on” yet, as I tried different values and did not see any effect. But that could be just me. Presumably it is the variable they were talking about in the Aerodynamics video by which you can tune the effect of flap deflection on pitch.)