New versions = new bugs

So I couldn’t play for a few weeks, and now that I try MSFS again, I try the east coast tour.
And here is what happens, within less than 1h30:

  • bridges that look like black walls
  • the ALT rotating button of the autopilot goes crazy
  • the AP of the Grand Caravan does whatever it feels like doing, forcing me to deactivate it
  • the airplane explodes due to “physical constraints” while it’s flying pretty much straight and level
  • last but not least, the game itself explodes with Exception 0x80000003 at 0x00007FF71EC59BF2

At some point, Asobo was getting better and we could hope that they had improved their quality assurance, but this is getting old, seriously…

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  1. Photogrammetry issue. Been there since Day 1 - probably gonna stay this way for a while. Limitations of technique - not a bug.
  2. The workaround is to use the mouse wheel to scroll for now. Not terrible. I am sure it will get addressed.
  3. It works fine. Most likely user error.
  4. Just because of you are flying straight and level at the moment doesn’t mean you didn’t surpass the limits of the aircraft. Watch your numbers and make sure they correspond to AC parameters.
  5. Not sure of that one. It never happens here.

There’s a west coast tour?

  1. first time i see black bridges in more than 100 hours of flying. I’ve seen bridges under which you can’t fly, but at least they weren’t black. Perhaps a limitation of technique, but still a bug.
  2. still a regression (from the previous version, though, but that they still didn’t correct it is worrying)
  3. nope
  4. the only parameter would have been speed, but I was most likely under the danger zone, it was also on a bright day and 3000 ft above flat land, so absolutely no reason for failure.
  5. to you
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I corrected, I wanted to mean east coast (the flight from NYC to Washington).

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