New windows install making me redownload all 96gb but have files

Hi all
My boot drive died so I had to get a new one and reinstall windows. However my game was istalled on a different drive in steam library where I still have everything but the game is making me redownload everything. Any way i can go around this? I would really like to keep my settings especially key binds.

I think the key binds are stored in the cloud so when you logon the sim they should still be there.
someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Yep the keybinds and assist settings were all still there after reinstalling windows and the game.

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I too have this exact problem of reinstall of windows and msfs on an external drive. Where do I start I have no icon to launch the game? Any ideas appreciated.

When the in game content manager (updating content) pops up you need to select the folder where you already have all the files downloaded to. Works fine.

Thanks- I should have said I downloaded from microsoft store.

Is there an exe to launch the sim?