If you missed the river racing part of comminity flight today, or wish to attempt flying the longer route – I edited a flight plan for you. This flight starts from more demanding upper part of the river, from waypoint 18 onwards it’s exactly the route flown today in the community flight.
NZ river race.pln (8.1 KB)
For this flight my recommendation is the Robin CAP 10, although you’re welcome to choose aircraft of your liking. The first half of the route might be too demanding for other type of aircraft! I recommend selecting clear skies weather preset for safety
Here is a small taste of the route, from my first try:
The flights starts from Taumarunui (NZTM) – when you get up from RW19, the river is 1NM ahead of you. Follow the river SE. When you reach the ocean, the airport of Wanganui (NZWU) is right there on your left side.
Happy flying!