[NEWS] Nice, France Live Event Challenge Results

The Nice landing challenge gathered once again some of the best pilots!

Find below scores of the most precise simmers during this live event.

:airplane: Top 10 – Nice landing challenge:

  1. moeuchbubi : 1926614

  2. ArmyHerobrines: 1925754

  3. PeddaSux : 1894295

  4. p53ud0c0d3: 1890336

  5. coltrogue: 1888790

  6. FSSIMPILOT: 1878720

  7. truebluenoob: 1866753

  8. Dellers: 1857820

  9. QKDallblue: 1851525

  10. mrei00: 1845503

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this event. Keep practicing, we added 3 new landing challenges!